Do you know what covers all of @Ponypoor's tax requirements, including stripes, wattles, and blue eggs? The Cream Legbar!
Dominique for good measure.
Well the little fighter is still with us. I am pleased but also quite surprised. Her one eye remains twice the size of a normal eye, I am quite concerned about what will happen to it once we begin integrating. I have a bad feeling about it getting pecked but probably useless to borrow trouble.

The Ameraucanas are doing very well and are growing much faster then the jubilees, they also have incredibly long wings and already fly quite well. I. Am also now unsure if they will be black or dark blue. Two have sprouted tail feathers one has not. Idk if there is much truth to that indicator of sex though, 🤷‍♀️.

Names -
Tiny fighter - Ryka for the female boxer with the last name Ryker

Other jubilee - Quill perhaps (or something to do with books, open to suggestions)

The three ornery and exceedingly energetic blue or black Ameraucanas, I could use some name suggestion’s. I was thinking perhaps something to do with crystals or rocks quartz, granite, basalt that sorta thing just something earthy.

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