Little Aero will fly full speed right at me. It’s very fast.
Mugs Monday

Hello Owly, my Hooman has told me about you, and that you may be a relative.
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Don’t you like my cheeks!
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Hello everyone Hoomanhas yet to name me, I hope she names me something outrageous 😊 I am after a Rockette.
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“This is how you freak out our Hooman - fly at her face and pretend you’re going to throw yourself into the abyss”
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Little Poofy cheeks, you are on your way to having a mighty fine beard one day. Why shouldn't you, it runs in the family. I see you also met our other sister Perry. She too has a top notch beard. When I was a wee chicklet several of my flock mates teased me. They did not understand my pride in my young beard and insisted I was inferior because I was leg featherless. Our Great Queen Aurora is also a long lost sister, or maybe Aunt. You will be told of her one day soon. She is very well versed in "The way of the Chicken". She has the best beard of us all. She told me as a young chick that spicy food was the way to grow a scrumptious beard. The spicier the better if you ask me. When you are a little older you can up your spicy food game a notch. The spiciest snack are yellow jackets, bumble bee's and wasps. Your human also has horses, this summer follow her around when she is with the horses. There is the best bug called a horse fly. Huge juicy fly that drop to the ground when the hoomans smack them off the horses. When I was little I had to be shown the flies. After a week I learned and was underfoot all the time. Both the hoomans and the horses appreciated my snacking and I did not have to share.

Sincerely yours
Little Poofy cheeks, you are on your way to having a mighty fine beard one day. Why shouldn't you, it runs in the family. I see you also met our other sister Perry. She too has a top notch beard. When I was a wee chicklet several of my flock mates teased me. They did not understand my pride in my young beard and insisted I was inferior because I was leg featherless. Our Great Queen Aurora is also a long lost sister, or maybe Aunt. You will be told of her one day soon. She is very well versed in "The way of the Chicken". She has the best beard of us all. She told me as a young chick that spicy food was the way to grow a scrumptious beard. The spicier the better if you ask me. When you are a little older you can up your spicy food game a notch. The spiciest snack are yellow jackets, bumble bee's and wasps. Your human also has horses, this summer follow her around when she is with the horses. There is the best bug called a horse fly. Huge juicy fly that drop to the ground when the hoomans smack them off the horses. When I was little I had to be shown the flies. After a week I learned and was underfoot all the time. Both the hoomans and the horses appreciated my snacking and I did not have to share.

Sincerely yours
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She really has turned a lovely red chestnut hasn’t she?

There must be some genetic thing about muffs and beards not having wattles. And small combs.

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