Follow me to a trip to China

What a fascinating place. The market reminds me of a traditional bazaar - all sorts of independent traders in all sorts of sectors operating out of a quite small space, and making or processing materials by default, not just selling stuff made elsewhere.
Did other parts of the world use an abacus too, or something like this? I've never thought about it.
Yes. The Romans had them, so most of Europe, north Africa, and the Near East were exposed to them if they didn't already have them by the time the Romans showed up.
What a fascinating place. The market reminds me of a traditional bazaar - all sorts of independent traders in all sorts of sectors operating out of a quite small space, and making or processing materials by default, not just selling stuff made elsewhere.
That is a quite accurate description. This is why I like it. This bazaar has been like this for hundreds of years. It is not fake. The tourism only enhanced it.

Yes. The Romans had them, so most of Europe, north Africa, and the Near East were exposed to them if they didn't already have them by the time the Romans showed up.
This is the entry. Notice the English!
It's so helpful to have that! Otherwise I would have missed the injunction 'Protecting our home town is everybody's duty', which is a very appropriate thing to write by the gate to a walled city.

Wherever they are, whenever they were built, walled cities or market areas testify to times that were unsettled and could be violent. We moderns take peace and security for granted.
Last post as I am heading back to the US. Lot of work waiting for me to do.

The first chicken I saw in this trip... It was in An Chang. The town in the last post. He's been tied as you can see. Then my uncle told me some interesting fact about chickens! (He was with me in the An Chang trip.)

Back then (maybe still going on) people in the countryside would castrate some cockerels. Somehow these "roosters" would taste better... He said this chicken looks like he's been castrated... poor guy

More chickens! This was in a different village near Shaoxing. Some looks like only weeks old.

This is late afternoon market near where my parents live. Notice the QR code. One for using Alipay and one for using WeChat Pay. People use smart phones to pay even in these places. But cash is VERY common here too.
Oh there is morning market and late afternoon market, because people here like to do produce shopping twice a day 😂 . morning market for lunch, and later afternoon market for dinner. Everything needs to be as fresh as possible. Fresh off the vines!

A nice public restroom. One thing great about China (at least on the east coast...) is that it's easy to find public restroom. But you may need to squat and bring your own toilet paper.
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When I was in elementary school, part of the math class was to learn abacus and I was quite good at some point. If it's big number addition, I can calculate it faster using an abacus than a calculator.
That's really impressive!
My dad taught us to use the abacus when we were kids, and he also taught us to play Mahjong. Sadly I have completely forgotten both !
Yes I do. But maybe not home exactly anymore..., more like a place I am forever attached to. It is a great place. I am lucky and proud to be born here. I love Shaoxing.
That is wonderful !
I'm glad you had the chance to go on this trip and shared it with us. Your pictures show such an interesting mix of contemporary life, and historical culture.
But you may need to squat and bring your own toilet paper.
Well, I think that's more hygienic, if less confortable !
they are called capons here. Not sure if it still goes on, or is even allowed here anymore.
We still eat them for Christmas (not me, but some french people) and animal organisations regularly ask for a ban, because castration is usually done with no anaesthesia.

@lightm I hope you have a good trip back and that getting back into every day US life will go smoothly ! I'm sure you'll be glad to see your chickens, and maybe even your husband 😊!
My mother taught me how to use an abacus but without practice I never really got it. I was better with a slide rule (my Dad taught me that) but haven’t used one in decades!

Caponization is illegal in the UK but you can buy imported capons. I have seen them promoted on line for Christmas.
In the US it is legal to caponize, and I am sure one could fine them for sale somewhere on line? but it seems most people haven’t heard of them.
Well, I think that's more hygienic, if less confortable !
Yes many Chinese prefer squat for hygienic reasons, but it can be hard on older people. I also heard that squatting is better for making poop.
We still eat them for Christmas (not me, but some french people) and animal organisations regularly ask for a ban, because castration is usually done with no anaesthesia.

they are called capons here. Not sure if it still goes on, or is even allowed here anymore.

Caponization is illegal in the UK but you can buy imported capons. I have seen them promoted on line for Christmas.
In the US it is legal to caponize, and I am sure one could fine them for sale somewhere on line? but it seems most people haven’t heard of them.
That is all very fascinating!!

@lightm I hope you have a good trip back and that getting back into every day US life will go smoothly ! I'm sure you'll be glad to see your chickens, and maybe even your husband 😊!
Thank you! Yes I miss my chickens very much, especially Honey the blind. They all seem to be doing fine.

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