Font size

I'm not seeing much difference-- but I am sure that is because I am using a desktop computer, and I change the zoom on my browser to make the text be a size that is comfortable for me. I do this for any page or site that is showing a text size I don't like. I think my browser keeps a record of what zoom I like on what sites, because I don't have to mess with it very often.

That might be something for other people to consider, if they have trouble with things being too large or too small. Changing the settings in your own browser or computer or phone is a thing you can do for yourself after you learn how, which is often faster than trying to have anyone else change something.
I'm not seeing much difference-- but I am sure that is because I am using a desktop computer, and I change the zoom on my browser to make the text be a size that is comfortable for me. I do this for any page or site that is showing a text size I don't like.

That might be something for other people to consider, if they have trouble with things being too large or too small. Changing the settings in your own browser or computer or phone is a thing you can do for yourself after you learn how, which is often faster than trying to have anyone else change something.
I've tried that but it doesn't change the size on here, I'm on a mobile phone

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