Foot injury! Need advice


In the Brooder
7 Years
Jul 3, 2012
Ottawa, Ontario Canada
My Coop
My Coop
Hi all,
The other day a fence post fell and landed on one of my girls feet. She was limping pretty badly and the skin was torn a little on the back of her leg where it joins the foot. There was a small amount of blood, and I didn't want her to get pecked so I put a bandaid and neosporin on it.
She still limped pretty bad.
I took the bandaid off today, and her foot is blue from bruising and she is still limping. I know she's in pain.
She seems to be staying away from the flock, off by herself, but I saw her eating, so I'm not sure what else if anything I can do for her. I just feel terrible..
Can hens die from a foot injury?
Is there anything else I can do to ease the pain? Hers and mine!

Hi all,
The other day a fence post fell and landed on one of my girls feet. She was limping pretty badly and the skin was torn a little on the back of her leg where it joins the foot. There was a small amount of blood, and I didn't want her to get pecked so I put a bandaid and neosporin on it.
She still limped pretty bad.
I took the bandaid off today, and her foot is blue from bruising and she is still limping. I know she's in pain.
She seems to be staying away from the flock, off by herself, but I saw her eating, so I'm not sure what else if anything I can do for her. I just feel terrible..
Can hens die from a foot injury?
Is there anything else I can do to ease the pain? Hers and mine!

Do you have a separate pen you can put her in to limit her mobility until she begins to heal? If you have roosters I would just to protect her from them and the extra weight and to protect her from jumping off the roost.
you could separate her in a dog crate, but I would be inclined to let her be free. Just make sure she gets plenty to eat--maybe feed her a bit of scrambled egg as you hold her to examine the leg. If her leg hurt that bad she would probably be holding it up, hopping on one foot. Just keep up the neosporin and bandaid, or get some BluKote spray for it.
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