For all who name their ducks Daffy, Donald, Daisy, Huey, Duey, Louie or origional duck names


8 Years
Jul 20, 2012
QLD Australia
After spedning the past hour reading "Muscovy keepers share your pic", after reading how many people name their ducks Daisy, Daffy and Donald I decided to make a thread dedicated to all the Daisy's, Daffy's and Donald's out there.

So, please post if you have ducks by those names. Or any other origional names, like Pepper or something.

I have 2 muscovies, you guessed it, Daffy, and because I liked that name Daffy do much, I wanted to call the other one that, but I didn't want to introduce them and have a conversation like this:

"this one, the white on is Daffy"
"oh yeah, and what's the other one called?"
So I called the other one Daffyn (daff-een)

To get the thread started with some pics, above is (from the right) Crackles, Peeper and Huey (origional names: Huey, Duey & Louie)

Peeper, I have some really good pics of Crackles and Huey, but they are on a USB that I have misplaced (yes, lost)

Ms Broody (Daffyn). After Donald died, I needed another duck for Daffy to be with. So I went to the poultry (which lucky for me wasn't too far away) and was lucky to find her amonst a group of other muscovies that a man was selling for $10, which were meant to be friendly, of course, I choose the prettiest one and went to pick her up, I got massive scratched all up mar arms from that day, but, once Daffy taught her that I gave them food, she started eating out of my hand, now I can pick both of them up with no problems.

Daffy and Daffyn

Huey, Peeper and Crackles.

Looking at all these duckling photos makes me all the more anxious to buy a Scovy drake and breek my girls, I already have 2 males, but I'm not too keen on inter-species, I know that the babies will be infertile, but it's still a bit weird, if being infertile is the only thing we see as being wrong, what else inside their bodies is going on? Has anyone inter-bred their ducks?
we have 2 Cayuga's. one is Special Agent Orange Band and the other is Ghost leg. We banded their legs with color tags so we could tell them apart and thats what came up with the colors of their bands. Agent is always sneeking around so that one fits him/her. Still not sure of the sex of them yet.
I have 6 Pekins.

Jmatt (started out as Jen, then Jen sprouted a drake feather so now it's Jmatt.)

Tweety and Taz (looney toons references)

Montego and Largo (I had the Beach Boys song Kokomo on the brain the day we got them)

And little Ming Ming (he was a rescue that was already named and very malnourished when he came. He's fat and happy now!)
2 cayugas...Twinkie and Noodle..found out that Twinkie was a male so now it's Twink. Got Sahara a female Khaki Campbell named for her sandy color and then our new one Fiona a female Blue Swedish (we think) she was named because my husband originally wanted to name any females we had Ruby and Fiona and she definalty looks more like a Fiona. Whew...there's my input for names!
My oldest drake is spot lol how that came about was the feed supply named him, i ordered in 4 and he had a black spot on his head, they said they named him if we didn't mind(which we didn't) and the name stuck.

I have a Lilly(she came with that name) dusty, Lilac, chocolate ripple(she is our 3.5mth chocolate and ONLY ducklet that hatched this year) Astro, he belongs to my oldest child's boyfriend(he is a town boy so he cannot own a duck) one of my original ducks is named frey.. why? she came from that hatchery lol so the name stuck before we knew what gender it was(a straight run) the rest don't really have names, my kids have some for them but i cannot tell them all nor figure out who is who.. i have a few bookends here.

ETA; I have a total of 17 here all Muscovy so it's not that i am leaving a couple birds nameless just to many to keep it all reasonably straight.
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I have 13 and have them all named, it's the chickens names I have a hard time with. lol

LOL! i only have 4 chickens so they are the easy ones
LOL! i only have 4 chickens so they are the easy ones
At first I thought you said you had 4 children and they are the easy ones, but I reread it.
now that I have sold some of my chickens and I only have 20 it's a little easier, I still have 3 extra roo not named though since they will probably be dinner. well I guess I do have them named.

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