FOR SALE....BOAR GOAT DOES...pick up only...Wisconsin

Run-A-Muck Ranch

11 Years
Mar 26, 2008
In the middle of nowhere!!!
I posted this on BackYardHerds and figured I would post over here too....

I have a small herd of Boar Goat Cross does that I am putting up for sale....
I got the herd of 11, but only wanted about 5 or the remaining girls I am putting up for sale.

I paid $40 a piece for them, and that's what I am asking.

They all kidded this year(most had twins).
all ranging between 2 and 4 years old.

They are boar lamacha(sp??) crosses....

I live in WI
Pick up ONLY....(sorry I can't deliver them as my truck has been acting up lately)
South of Rice Lake

I actually live out in the middle of NOWHERE, next to NOTHING, on your way to SOMEWHERE, coming from FAR AWAY!!!!!!

We live out in the country. Between Ridgeland and Bloomer actually.
I know where the middle of nowhere is, as you call it. haha.
I grew up by Clayton. Anyways, I will talk with my DH more about the goats since they're in the local area. Thanks!

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