Found duck(?) Eggs


Mar 21, 2019
Hi! I'm new here, and I don't know much about the lives of waterfowl. We live in a neighborhood with a pond that is home to a flock of geese and a few ducks who seem to stick together against the geese. The pond has been taken over by duckweed, so I was out scooping it to try to put a dent in it so all the fish don't die.

I was scooping by the edge and found an egg. All the geese we're in the water and the ducks were nowhere around. I thought maybe they didn't know it was there, there's no nest, it was just under the water and duckweed in about 3 inches of water. I set it beside me so it didn't get hurt and scooped a couple more times. Then I stirred 2 more eggs close to the first, so I put the first one beside them and left that spot.

A Google search found an old thread that occasionnaoc ducks will lay by accident in the water, so here are my questions:

Will these eggs be ok in the water, or should I oull them out and leave them on the bank? Should I find someone who could incubate them, since the ducks seemed completely oblivious? Is there something else I should do that I don't know to ask?

Side note, I'm not sure they're duck eggs. They were larger than chicken eggs, shell seemed pretty hard. They could be from the geese, but they seemed unconcerned as well. There are these big ducks that are black and white with red skin showing through their feathers all over the country, and two have been hanging around. There's also a white duck, a mallard, and a brown duck (seems to be the female of the trio). Those three are smaller than all the other birds.
I find duck eggs often in the pounds. I have found wood duck eggs on logs and floating in the water. They seem to be similar to domestic ducks, sometimes eggs slip out before they get to their nest. If you found multiple in one spot then there might have been a nest that rolled in there or got flooded out. They are probably no good for incubating at this point. If you put them up on the shoreline a raccoon or other scavenger will come eat them.
I wouldn't worry to much about them. I know of a pond that there are females ducks and all the eggs are on the bank and eaten. If they want to sit on them they will make them a nest. Some ducks like to lay in the water..which is ok. They would probably not turn out if you where to put them in an incubator as they have been in water for who know how long. Geese eggs are so so so big so you should easy be able to tell the difference. It is so nice of you to want to help out with the eggs....and the fish too! :ya
yeah, if you live somewhere with higher humidity, than you might not need to until lockdown, but if not you could put a little bowl of water in with a sponge. You can also add some rocks to the box to act as a heat sink. I only incubate chickens, but I vaguely remember something about misting duck eggs with a spray bottle once a day to simulate a wet duck getting back on the nest after swimming.
Good luck, who knows how much damage being in the water did to them.
Yeah I think misting them will be good. Just DON"T do a paper towel! It could end up drying out the inside(I think that is what it was..not sure tho). Good luck with these eggs!
@lunaleigh what do you plan on doing if these eggs hatch? It will be 6 weeks before duckling goslings can go out side that means your going to need to brood them inside feed and care for them everyday and since they will be imprinted on you most likely will never be able to be released into the wild because they depend on their mother to teach them how to survive. And you’ll not be able to do that. Since your not a duck or goose.

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