Found Pretty Pet Pigeon....


Easter Hatch!!
10 Years
Jul 17, 2009
At least I think it is a pet. It doesn't look like a Phoenix Ratbird, nor does it act like one.

It let me pick it up without any hastle, and was content to hang out in the coop/run while the chickens and turkeys free-ranged.

Thoughts? Comments? Suggestions?

I am betting it is a pet, but since you can't keep pigeons in Phx, I am not sure how to go about finding the owner.


For sure a pet bird ,not a wild one. Not for sure what breed it is. I love the beautiful yellow coloring! It might work to list it on the farm and pet sections of your local craigslist.Proably didn't come from very far away. You may have some neighbors with "hidden" birds!lol

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