Fox attack.

Thank you for the video and for reminding folks that predators can attack at any time of the day.
Is your duck o.k.? Any wounds need tending?
I was only 20 feet away the fox was concentrating on the ducks like a laser beam and it ran right by me. The duck had a tooth mark on his back and leg. His leg joint is swollen. I used peroxide then antibiotic cream. He is sore but I think he will be fine I've fixed much worse.
Do you have a dog? Any dog not necessarily one for guarding? I live in the rural Mountains with many predators. I free range our chickens (no longer have ducks) with an average of only 1 bird a year lost to predation. Our dog, Charlie (only a pet), a pitbull/lab mix is outside frequently during the day. Which has deterred most if not all daytime attacks. At night the birds are secure in an elevated coop.
I have had no predator make it into the coop to harm a bird, not even the bears. The only birds i have lost have been daytime attacks when Charlie was either inside in his kennel while i was away or with me while we both were away.
Having Charlie has saved countless chickens over the years whether he knows it or not.
No dog my wife and kid are allergic. But the neighbors all around me have dogs predators don't seem to care. I live in a small neighborhood I have a 1/4 acre and that is twice what most lots are. I even had a bear in the yard before but hawks are the worst here.
I have been told that urban/suburban predators are more accustomed to people and are more bold. Usually when the risk of their own injury is perceived to be too high they avoid the situation. Sounds like this specific fox needs to be taught a lesson.
I never advocate a death sentence for any predator just doing his thing unless all other options have been exhsusted or i feel my family's safety is in question. Like i said, i get trail cam photos of either fox, coyote, raccoons, opossum, skunk, bobcats, or bears nightly in our yard yet have never felt that my livestock or myself was ever in danger. So no lethal action has ever been taken (except against coyotes that are decimating local wild turkey populations and killing the deer fawns).
What are your options? Animal control? Pellet guns 😉?
This fox has been on my neighbors camera for over a year but has not been a problem until now He pretty much stays out of my yard never any prints in the snow. For now I'll just be careful. I killed one about 5 years ago in the summer it is such a waste the pelt is useless when it's warm.
I know this thread is almost a year old, but we are having trouble with a fox. It has killed 5 of my chickens in the last two weeks. One flock stays in the pen, the other flock free ranges - and those are the ones being attacked. Our dog managed to save one of the Reds. That’s when we saw the fox. Really, I don’t know what to do, except keep them all in the pen. That means wing clipping, looking for holes (again, never ending), and finding a way for the two boys NOT to kill each other - or have a pot of rooster and dumplings. (One of the Roos is a chicken run dictator).
I‘m wondering if this fox has babies, and has found herself an easy food source? Also, if we don’t do anything, we won’t have any chickens left. Help?
I know this thread is almost a year old, but we are having trouble with a fox. It has killed 5 of my chickens in the last two weeks. One flock stays in the pen, the other flock free ranges - and those are the ones being attacked. Our dog managed to save one of the Reds. That’s when we saw the fox. Really, I don’t know what to do, except keep them all in the pen. That means wing clipping, looking for holes (again, never ending), and finding a way for the two boys NOT to kill each other - or have a pot of rooster and dumplings. (One of the Roos is a chicken run dictator).
I‘m wondering if this fox has babies, and has found herself an easy food source? Also, if we don’t do anything, we won’t have any chickens left. Help?
I just saw this, when the other fox killed a duck I used it for bait. I hung the duck about 2 feet off the ground and put a couple leg traps out. It tried for the duck and got caught in both leg traps.
I just saw this, when the other fox killed a duck I used it for bait. I hung the duck about 2 feet off the ground and put a couple leg traps out. It tried for the duck and got caught in both leg traps.
Thanks for your reply! This fox has now taken 10 chickens. We are working now to keep them confined, and they are NOT happy. Ms. Fox was back late yesterday, just before twilight, walking right in front of my porch. I grabbed the .410 and barely missed. When the fox attacks, there is nothing left but a few feathers. I’ll find a way to bait her/him and get him out of here!

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