FREE bantam eggs from pen of Mille Fleurs and Birchen Cochins - you pay shipping


8 Years
Sep 11, 2011
Missouri, USA
My Coop
My Coop
I have 1 Mille Fleur hen, 1 Birchen Cochin hen, and one Mille Fleur x Birchen Cochin cross hen in this pen. The rooster is a Birchen cochin bantam. (1 roo over 3 hens). I removed the Mille Fleur bantam rooster one week ago because the roosters were fighting too much, but his seed may still be fertilizing some of the eggs. Therefore you might get pure Mille Fleur, pure Birchen Cochin, or crosses. I expect to have at least 6 eggs to ship on Monday, 3/12. Only $6 shipping for small priority box. No shipping to VA or HI (I'm still learning the rules on shipping.)

Post in this thread if you want them so others know they are taken, then PM me your email address so I can send you a Paypal invoice.

Thanks, cj

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