Free pumpkins!


12 Years
May 3, 2007
New Mexico
DH and I were driving by a car dealership today when I noticed a pile of pumpkins in their window. We pulled over and I went in and said "I have a strange request, since Halloween is over can I have the pumpkins in your window?" The man said "What do you want them for?" and I said "To feed my animals." He said "Please take them." So now we have 8 free pumpkins in cold storage.

Go for it folks, save the pumpkins from the dump
Perhaps I wasn't clear, sorry! My own chickens will enjoy these pumpkins.

I am suggesting you go get free local pumpkins in your own towns and save people from throwing them in the dumps.
Thats a great idea!
Those poor pumkins being plowed. I am just like WAIT let me harvest some seeds to plant next year!! LOL
sorry this sounds stupid, but how do you feed them to your chickens? Do you cook them first, just chop them up and throw them out there seeds and all, or something else?

What about sweet potatoes???
Be careful with pumpkins. I haven't had any losses because of feeding my flock pumpkin, because I don't. My brother warned me repeatedly to make sure my flock doesn't come near the pumpkins in my veggie garden. I don't know if it is true (no first hand experience) but he swear his died after eating any pumpkin product.

Maybe chickens in the US are different from here, but I will still ask a lot of questions if I were you just to be sure..
Fed ours the guts of 3 pumpkins Sunday with no follow up problems. then put a 'retired' Jack-o-Lantern in there for them to nibble on all day yesterday. They seemed to really enjoy it! I cut out the face first, since it had some permanent marker marks still on it...
Check out Buff Hooligan's page on treats to feed:
Pumpkins are listed as nutritious, because they are! Pumpkins are one type of the squash family. So are butternuts, acorns, and hubbards. They are all excellent nutritionallly, rich in the beta-carotine that will help your egg yolks get that nice orange color and a lot of vitamin C. The jack-o-lantern type pumpkin is not great tasting for humans, so use them up with your animals. I feed the seeeds raw and cook the flesh for the chickens. For larger animals, like the deer, I throw the flesh out raw. If you want healthy eating for your family try including winter squashes in their diet this winter YUM!

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