Freedom Rangers

Dear Kelley,

I don't know how far you are from me but
I was wanting to sell more, at least 15 or so. I have the ship date for mid March. I have a baby due in April so I needed to make sure that the two didn't confilct.
Please get in touch with me about this as I really need to sell at least 15 more as I mentioned. I'm in Ohio between Virmillion and Sandusky. I'm not far from RT 2 (I-90) and the Turnpike.
I remember Pittsburgh was an hour or so from the Cleveland area and I'm 35 min or so from there.
Send me an e-mail and I can help you get a better idea of distance.

Thanks so much for posting and God Bless you now and always,


Here is a little more detail. The time length is off especially if you drive faster the the speed limit like I do.

Total Est. Time: 2 hours, 40 minutes
(I don't think that much time)

Total Est. Distance: 159.23 miles

PA-65 N EXIT 66 toward PA-65 I79 S via EXIT 28 toward PITTSBURGH

take I-76 E

Merge onto I-80 E via the ramp on the LEFT toward CLEVELAND
Hi Ann--The distance isn't that bad for me. It is 2 hours to Cleveland and conveniently I have a brother in law in Parma so getting to you isn't too bad.

I wouldn't be ready for the March ship date. I was thinking mid-April so it wouldn't work for me this year. If it goes well for you this year (please keep us/me posted) and I have some experience under my belt, maybe I could tag onto an order next year?

BTW how are you going to do your order? I saw that they don't separate out the Bronze Rangers (slower growers) from the Red Rangers (faster growers). The Golden Rangers look absolutely beautiful and I wonder how they'd be as layers?

Take care and we'll be in touch Good luck with the new baby and baby chicks!

You may be surprised how quickly 50 broilers will get consumed by yourself, your neighbors and potentially customers. It's not that many birds really.

Once again thanks for the encouraging info.!!
I'll have 30
I just want to make sure we have adequate space and I was trying to figure out the chicken tractor for them to go into at night. 30 meat chickens would need a HUGE tractor and I don't think hubby wants to deal with that (shrug). What do you say about making that part of it easier?

Thanks so much and God Bless,


Does anybody know approximately what the shipping is for 50 Freedom Rangers? I don't see it listed on the site anywhere. Also, I've never raised these before so am wondering when it would be good to order. There's a fine line between cooooooold early spring and blazing hot summer. Sometimes it seems like spring gets skipped altogether around here. I assume that they feather quickly?
The one thing I did ovserve is that the Freedom Rangers were fully feathered all the time, rather than being half bald like the Cornish Crosses because the feathering can't keep up with the rate of growth.

From my last invoice, the shipping was $23 for 50 birds. I'm in Washington State, so I can't imagine anywhere much further from Wisconssin (where they ship from).
i just ordered 25 golden and 25 bronze and the shipping is $20.95. i live in houston, texas.

i am excited and apprehensive at the same time. i've never done meat birds before, but i'm hoping these guys will be easier on me than the broilers. i will get them the first part of march.
I am doing pens of the following:

1) Dark Cornish on Barred Rock
2) Dark Cornish on Speckled Sussex
3) Dark Cornish on White Rock
4) Reverse cross Barred Rock on Cornish
5) Reverse cross RIR on Cornish

I have the least optimism for #4 and #5. I lost one Cornish rooster to a tragic electric fence incident, so it will take me a few weeks to get all the correct eggs set.

I'm aware none of these will have white plumage; but I don't have access to a white Cornish roo (yet). I need to find some breeders.

I forgot to mention that I was going to try the Dark Cornish on the Black Sex-Links, too. My BSLs are just plain meaty girls. I think there is some potential there. This is a meat "double cross", but since I'm breeding BSLs anyhow, it's not hard to put a Cornish on them and see what I get.

Greyfields, how did this turn out for you? I've been playing with the idea of finding a cornish rooster to cross with my barred rocks, but haven't commited to it yet.
I kepts 6 eggs from each pen and I think hatched 4 or 5 of each, except the reverse crosses which I was too lazy to complete.

I kept my eggs well sorted, but wasn't 100% sure on which cross was which after the first week. So my experiment wasn't so sceintific. But, the Cornish X Rock and Sussex were pretty equivelant. They were just a bit thinner than a jumbo cornish, so I ate them ourselves and gave some to family. I'm not sure they were marketable. Also, at the last minute, instead of doing the white rock, I did a Black Sex Link. I'm pretty sure those were the biggest of the batch. Again, they're a little hard to tell apart!

I currently have my Cornish on a Black Sex Link and a Freedom Ranger. I have a hunch this next round is going to out-compete. They have 2 more days in the pen with the rooster, before I'm sure it's his 'boys' doing the work. I plan to hatch 7 of each and do a better job tracking them.

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