Friendly quiet layers for hot climates?

I just had to chime in about your Australorp comment. I live in the Arizona desert, and have had the B/B/S Australorp's for 4 years over here. Our summers get very hot over here.
They were developed in Australia. They wanted an Orpington-type bird that could cope with the Australian heat. The perfect choice of breed for Arizona.
It gets over 100 in my area. My orphingtons do okay, but they look miserable when it gets over about 105. Good egg producers and really friendly, easy to keep. My Welsummers do good, but I find them noisy and flighty. I keep mostly Barred Holland's, they tolerate heat well and are the friendliest most curious ones. A little slower to develop and not the top egg producer, but a really sweet breed.
And everyone needs an EE or two, cause who doesn't want blue/green eggs? But they too can be a little aloof.

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