Frizzle, Top Hat, Jap. Buff, Sultan Eggs, 14 ready to ship tomorrow


11 Years
Feb 27, 2008
Franklin, NC
I have a good selection of eggs if your would like a variety. These birds are kept in separate clean runs and coops. You will get 3 Japanese Buffs, 6 Frizzle Cochins, 1 Silkie, 2 Top Hats and 2 Sultans. A total of 14.
Let me know if you are interested! I take Pay Pal and the price is a total of 28.00. 18.00 plus 10. for Priority shipping. My Pay Pal is [email protected]
Is there any way you could take out the frizzles? If yes then you have a deal.
That would leave you short 6 eggs...... I may have enough tomorrow to replace them if no one else takes this offer. I will let you know tomorrow. Thanks!
Do you want the entire collection or only the frizzles. I don't have enough Frizzles to make a dozen. I may have by tomorrow nite.
Yes, they are, although the Top Hats are fairly large, but they are still bantams. The Cochins are and so are the Sultans, the Sultans roos are fairly large but the hens are smaller.

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