from bator to broody


9 Years
Sep 23, 2010
I have 10 eggs in the incubator that are at day 8. One of my reliable broody hens has decided to sit on eggs (although she is later than usual which is why I fired up the bator). She has hatched out and raised 3 clutches for me and is an excellent mother.

The eggs I have in the bator are in an egg carton pointy side down and I've been turning the bator by putting a couple of 2x4's under left and right sides 3 times a day. Would it be okay if I took the eggs out of the incubator and slipped them under my broody girl and let her incubate them for the remaining 10-13 days?

Here she is with some sex links that she adopted last year after she was done with her own brood.

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Thanks again. After candling the 10 eggs I realized that 1 of them wasn't developing so I got rid of that one. I gave 1 to my silkie hen that was sitting on golf balls. She seems to have killed it when it hatched, but I don't think it was on purpose since she was still sitting on the poor things body. The feet and head were mangled... not a pretty sight. She was a first time broody so I only gave her 1 egg. The other 8 eggs I gave to a reliable broody and she managed to hatch 6 out of 8 little speckled sussex babies. 1 pipped but never made it out of the egg and the last one didn't pip at all. Worked out great!

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