@igorsMistress your garden area is looking good! What's the tall wooden structure in the middle of the bed for? (Sorry if you said and I missed it.)

It provides support for the middle of the structure so it doesn't sag. I'm going to plant something to cover it, just haven't decided what yet. I'd like to try morning glories in there as a self sowing annual.
Snaps of the chicks today. The 3 small white Turkens are 6 weeks, the big white Turken and the EE cockerel are 8 weeks and the Dorking mixes are 5 weeks. I gave them some live mealworms today.
@igorsMistress It look's like you wound up with the bigger bibbed one's from my flock. I have another cockerel chick over here from out of Charley, but it has less neck feathering. It isn't white though, it's looking barred.

I was wondering whether I saw a few barred feathers on one of these chicks.
I was almost 30 minutes late to my break because of a customer and I was getting angry that she wouldn't just zip it and go away.

As luck would have it I was walking out to check on the chicks and see if there were eggs to collect when out of nowhere an owl comes flying out the coop yard and practically brushed me with a wing on its way by! Scared the heck out of me and the chicklets were hiding in a corner behind the coop.

This is where it flew out of

This is where the chicks were


Third tree from the front is huge, it's 2 blocks away, and where I believe the mated pair were nesting last winter.


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