Yes, I'm afraid I'm responsible for some of that. Super excited!


They are good meat bird's that lay egg's well also. They can be cross-bred into any other breed. Some are trying to cross them to make even bigger meat bird's out of them. There's less feathering, so less to have to pluck for the dinner table.

Oh yea

The new boys.

These 2 boys were being hellions so they went to jail for a few days. The white one is trying to crow.

I have a cubby in my car that held the egg carton perfectly for the ride home, 3 green eggs in my incubator

Love the coloring on the grayish one! Best of luck with the hatch IM!

Thanks NFC. I asked in the genetics forum about color and pattern. Cuckoo Barred is the current suggestion. I hope he's a good guy so I can keep him.

@igorsMistress Glad to see that you and the new batch made it back to your home ok. The barred one is about 5 or 6 day's younger than the white one that hatched on August 25th.

Thank you, it only took about an hour. I got through downtown without traffic.

I was going to ask you about hatch dates, thanks for that too. I'm trying to track everyone and my calendar is a mess!
I'm really bummed right now. I've been keeping an eye on my older dog Midge through September because I'd noticed some weight loss without loss of appetite, normal water intake. We weighed her this morning at 15.6 lbs and on 5/31 she weighed 19.2 lbs. We were in shock. The vet is running tests, all we know for now is that she isn't diabetic. Apparently she had slightly elevated liver enzymes in May but nothing significant enough to cause concern.

I'll see y'all later.
I'm really bummed right now. I've been keeping an eye on my older dog Midge through September because I'd noticed some weight loss without loss of appetite, normal water intake. We weighed her this morning at 15.6 lbs and on 5/31 she weighed 19.2 lbs. We were in shock. The vet is running tests, all we know for now is that she isn't diabetic. Apparently she had slightly elevated liver enzymes in May but nothing significant enough to cause concern.

I'll see y'all later.

IM, keeping fingers crossed and sending well wishes for Midge. :hugs
I'm really bummed right now. I've been keeping an eye on my older dog Midge through September because I'd noticed some weight loss without loss of appetite, normal water intake. We weighed her this morning at 15.6 lbs and on 5/31 she weighed 19.2 lbs. We were in shock. The vet is running tests, all we know for now is that she isn't diabetic. Apparently she had slightly elevated liver enzymes in May but nothing significant enough to cause concern.

I'll see y'all later.

I hope that she is ok, and the vet can figure out how to help her.

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