Thanks Janie. I’m sad, but it happens. I’ve never had chicks shipped before. When I got ducks the first and third shipment did fantastic, super robust and hearty. The second shipment was an epic fail like this one so I knew the risks.
I would contact Cackle hatchery.
I will just say that after buying chicks from them for years, and giving them a pass on subpar chicks; I finally decided after the last time last year of the most unhealthy expensive chicks I've ever bought from them that I will never buy birds from them ever again.
I would contact Cackle hatchery.
I will just say that after buying chicks from them for years, and giving them a pass on subpar chicks; I finally decided after the last time last year of the most unhealthy expensive chicks I've ever bought from them that I will never buy birds from them ever again.
I've noticed some of the newer reviews mentioned a lot of cross beak, webbed toes, and early deaths, as well as miss-sexed chicks. I wonder what is going on, that caused these problems, and made them fall so far in the reviews?
I've noticed some of the newer reviews mentioned a lot of cross beak, webbed toes, and early deaths, as well as miss-sexed chicks. I wonder what is going on, that caused these problems, and made them fall so far in the reviews?
I've had all of those problems with them. The last straw was when I bought Chanteclers last spring and they had deformed legs.
I contacted them and they said it was because I didn't give them apple cider vinegar. :eek:
I told them that's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. I've been raising chicks since 2012 and have never given acv and have never seen leg problems like that. The legs were growing backwards!
I raise Cornish Cross every year and never have leg issues with them even.
I would contact Cackle hatchery.
I will just say that after buying chicks from them for years, and giving them a pass on subpar chicks; I finally decided after the last time last year of the most unhealthy expensive chicks I've ever bought from them that I will never buy birds from them ever again.
I would, but the website says no refunds so I’m not going to waste my time.
I've noticed some of the newer reviews mentioned a lot of cross beak, webbed toes, and early deaths, as well as miss-sexed chicks. I wonder what is going on, that caused these problems, and made them fall so far in the reviews?
I was wondering the same. Pretty sad.
We got some things accomplished outside today. Igor put the new shade cloth on the top of the garden for me, I installed another self watering bin, this one for the night blooming Jessamine, and had to chicken proof the sensors. All the weeds have been pulled, they were down to tall stalks with no leaves. Tomorrow I’ll rake and move the empty pots out. I need to trim the rosemary so we can put more shade around the bottom half and then that area is ready for plants. I have some tomato seeds in the Aerogarden to sprout and everything on hand to get the buckets going. This week will be learning about mixing nutrients for those. I want to clean up the old bird bath and get it set up as a bee waterer and repaint the coop before it gets too warm. We’re having a lot of wild temp swings this year, but the rain has been a huge help. It’s nice enough this weekend to have the windows and doors open; we have an enough of a breeze to move the curtains so the house is getting a nice airing out too. I love Spring weather!

The little birds seem to have calmed down a bit, I don’t hear them duking it out as much this weekend. We’ll see tiny birds all over before too long.
Shade project. The old top was two pieces and overlapped in the middle. The bins in there hold the water for the plants


New cover, one piece


The plan is to wrap the bottom half except on the west side with white also. This is only 50% shade, but I’m hoping the white color will help keep it a little cooler inside

We got some things accomplished outside today. Igor put the new shade cloth on the top of the garden for me, I installed another self watering bin, this one for the night blooming Jessamine, and had to chicken proof the sensors. All the weeds have been pulled, they were down to tall stalks with no leaves. Tomorrow I’ll rake and move the empty pots out. I need to trim the rosemary so we can put more shade around the bottom half and then that area is ready for plants. I have some tomato seeds in the Aerogarden to sprout and everything on hand to get the buckets going. This week will be learning about mixing nutrients for those. I want to clean up the old bird bath and get it set up as a bee waterer and repaint the coop before it gets too warm. We’re having a lot of wild temp swings this year, but the rain has been a huge help. It’s nice enough this weekend to have the windows and doors open; we have an enough of a breeze to move the curtains so the house is getting a nice airing out too. I love Spring weather!

The little birds seem to have calmed down a bit, I don’t hear them duking it out as much this weekend. We’ll see tiny birds all over before too long.

That's helpful the weather is being kind when you have so much to do outside! I'm interested in learning abut the bee waterer you're setting up...have you done one before?

The new shade cover looks great!

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