Fun Random Questions

What are three scents you like? A: That's one that's hard to answer.

What's your favorite board game to play? A: I haven't played any in ages.

What would you rather have: intelligence or looks? A: A brain.

What's the weirdest thing you have ever eaten? A: Again, difficult to answer.

Out of the four seasons: which one is your favorite? A: Spring and Autumn.

If you could meet anyone in this world today: who would you meet? A: Not certain.

What's your favorite type of cheese? A: Plain cheese=:sick

Have you ever thought about what your future baby will be named? A: Don't have a future planned yet.

What are your pet peeves? A: Today it's people who let their dogs free range on the street and chase me on a bike,

Which of these two smells better to you: fresh cut grass or bread baking in an oven? A: Depends on how hungry I am.

Who is your all time favorite Disney character? A: Bad company, won't support them even by pirating their stuff.

What is the weirdest text you have received recently? A: Not certain. Don't get many.

What are the things you'd spend a billion dollars on? A: Not certain. Give me the money and we'll see.

What food should taste better than its appearance? A: Uncertain

What is the worst TV advertisement you've seen recently? A: Any ad i see on TV is bad, and I don't even watch TV, but I've had to put up with it at other people's houses.

If you were given the chance to make your one wish come true: what would it be? A: I don't know.

What's the food you usually refuse to share? A: Any food that's just enough for me. Including burgers.

What hobbies do you want to develop? A: I want to keep developing this computer hobby thing. It's pretty far developed but board repair is next.

What would be the smartest animal if they could talk? A: I'll say chicken because chicken is smart.

What video/movie/show makes you laugh even after watching it several times? A: There's plenty. The one of the guy pretending to break a cup with his voice, but smashing it on the counter in the middle of doing so.

What is the best name you could think of for a cat? A: That's hard. Give me a cat and we'll see.

If you have a million dollars, what are the things you wouldn't spend? A: If I had the million I'd know.

What's a certain product you can't live without? A: Food and water.

Where is your dream vacation? A: I have plenty of bad dreams and nightmares. So it's probably best I just say that I don't do "dream" stuff.

If you could sit next to any celebrity in a restaurant, who would it be? A: Celebrity? Those are just normal people that are overblown a lot of the time.

If you could sit next to any celebrity in a restaurant, who would it be? A: See above answer.

What is the best color in the rainbow? A: Green. I'm biased.

What's your favorite exotic animal? A: Hard to answer. Probably those New Zeland pigeons that get drunk.

If you could only drink coffee or tea for the rest of your life, which one would you choose? A: Neither. I'd choose water.

Do you like save more or spend more? A: I'd prefer to save more. Spending is fun though.

What are the two things you'd like to ask your pet? A: Don't really know.

What do you think the easiest dish to cook is? A: "Spaghetti".

Which part of the roller coaster do you usually ride on: front, middle, or back? A: Neither of those.

What is the most flattering compliment you have every gotten? A: Not certain.

If you could change your name, what would it be? A: I'd change my legal name from what I was named at birth to what I go by now. But the hassle isn't worth it.

What's the oldest item in your closet? A: Not certain. Oldest computer I have is a Macintosh SE or some old US Logic laptop.

For you, what does the perfect vacation look like? A: Sigh.

What is the weirdest thing on your bucket list? A: I don't really have one.

What do think is the best hangover cure? A: Not getting drunk.

What would you name your car? A: Give me a car and I'll tell you.

Which one do your prefer: Summer or winter? A: Hard. Winter is great, but so is summer depending on who you are. Probably winter because I can put more clothes on to stay hot.

What TV series could you watch several times? A: TV???? I don't got cable TV here.

Where's the worst smelling place you have ever been? A: My bedroom after someone threw up in it.

What do you usually eat for breakfast? A: Food.

What are the things that drive you crazy? A: Siblings. And broody hens.

What would you rather have on your pancake: honey or chocolate? A: Honey.

What flower is your favorite? A: I don't know beans about flowers. Probably those roses we had or plumerias.

What's the meaning of your name? A: My BYC name or my real name?

What is/was your favorite subject in school? A: probably electronics.

What's your favorite day of the week? A: They're just days. I never picked a favorite.

What's your dream job? A: If it had to be a job and I was paid well, youtube. Otherwise it'd be sitting around doing nothing.

What is your favorite TV show, currently? A: Hmm, looks like I didn't find a active TV subscription in my house.

Have you ever experienced falling down the stairs? A: NO.

What do you like most about going to the beach? A: It's a beach.

What's the last food you ate? A: French toast made with panettone. I don't know if my stomach is being receptive.

Have you ever been caught staring at the opposite gender? A: Probably. Especially during staring contests.

Would you like to be famous someday? A: I honestly don't care.

What are your top five favorite restaurants? A: I don't eat at many restaraunts.

Do you like dipping your Oreo in milk? A: I do that with chocolate chip. Never tried it with oreo.

What is your most used emoji? A: I wouldn't know.

What's your favorite indoor activity? A: Reading or computing.

What's your favorite outdoor activity? A: Riding a bike and flying that drone.

What time do you go to bed? A: Way too late (11:30 PM, trying to get to 10:30).

What time do you get up? Way too early (7:20 AM).

How many pairs of shoes do you have? Two. Church shoes and sandals. I prefer barefeet.

How do your friends usually describe you? A: I'm uncertain as to the answer of that question.

What's you favorite month? A: Also undecided.
Baking bread, freshly mowed grass, and summer air.



Frog legs


Hmm, I'm not sure.

Pepper jack

Listening to people eat

:lau I didn't see this question before I put my answers up above. Probably fresh cut grass.

Fairy bread

I'm not sure.

That my car would look perfect and be in perfect running order all the time.

An ice cream cone.

Wood burning

Probably a raccoon

Home Alone


I don't have any


Johnny Cash



Tea. You have all different flavors that way.


How did you get out and why are you such a dummy.


Never ridden one

I'm not sure.

Over 70 years old.

Time spent with family

I don't really have a bucket list.

Not to drink in the first place.

Any name that rhymed with the model of the car.


Little House on the Prairie

Someones home

Eggs, toast, and ham.

Listening to people eat




Friday or Saturday

To have a chicken farm

Anne of Green Gables


I don't like the beach

A sweet bread



I don't think I've ever even been to 5 restaurants :lau

When you said you dont like listening to people eat I knew we were destined to be best friends🤣🤣

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