Fun Stuff For Baby Chickens

Yes, they are old enough for some watermelon. Just don't make them too full on it to where they won't eat they starter. When my broody hens hatch a clutch, the first things they show their little ones is how to eat watermelon. Its cute because all the babies will have red/pink chests and heads. They will love it.
More often than not, the entertainment is more for us than them!

Head to the pet store & get some meal worms. That'll keep you.. um... "them" entertained!
I had a problem with mine liking treats too (at 4 weeks old). If i put it in their run they would ignore new stuff, even romaine lettece/carrots, etc. They already liked grass or weeds. So I decided to built them a wire cage on the side of the run that I could throw veggies/treats in. I put the grasses in there for a few days and conditioned them to thinking thats where food goes.

THats all it took, if I put anything in that cage now they get really excited and can't wait to get it.
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We tied an ear of corn to a string for them to peck at.
Kind of like a corn pinata.
They were scared at first but then they picked
that thing clean.
Very fun for us to watch. :eek:)


2 RIR's, 2 Barred Rocks, 3 Brown Leghorns and 3 Aracaunas
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Ok, update on the corn cob.
We went away for a few hours and came home and every kernel was gone on one side!! I turned it over for them and they came running immediately to finish it off! I guess I just didn't wait long enough. I can't believe they just danced all around that corn cob for hours this morning not touching it, then all of a sudden it is gone! How funny! I wish I could of seen them when they first tried it though. Oh well, I am gonna try a slice of watermelon again in a few days. I am also going to read through all of the wonderful ideas and try them. Thanks everyone.

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