Funny Craigslist Ads


Spruce Creek Waterfowl
10 Years
Apr 20, 2009
Sandusky, Ohio
Have you ever seen any funny ads, ironic titles, etc.

Share them!

I just saw an ad for an incubator titled "Incubator for sale (will not last long) - $200"

haha makes it sound like its a crappy one!
I didn't see this one, but I think I heard about it on TV. I think one of the late night talk shows read it. It would be funnier if I could repeat it verbatim, but it was something like:

"Wanted: a person to sit on my lap. This is not a joke. I have a bad back and it relieves my pain if someone sits on my lap. I will pay you hourly and provide meals. Serious inquiries only."

I couldn't help wondering which was creepier, the person who wants to pay a stranger to sit on their lap all day, or the person who would answer the ad and who would want to sit on a strangers' lap all day?!?!
You mean like this one:

Golden Apples - $200

Date: 2010-05-27, 10:30AM PDT
Reply to: [email protected] [Errors when replying to ads?]


Bona-fide golden apples from a tree imported from Greece. Immortality guaranteed upon consumption of entire apple. $200/ea or $1500/lb

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