~>Fury of the Wind<~ (A Bird RP)



7 Years
May 21, 2017
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“Once, the races of birds lived together in an uneasy truce. Then the pigeons, under their almighty general, attacked and reclaimed the city as their own.”

The young birds jostled against one another, until they all found a comfortable place in front of the elder. They gazed up at him with excited eyes.

One chick got up the courage to ask, “Why’d they attack?”

“Because we’re the strongest, fiercest birds!” another chick peeped, puffing up her chest.

The elder chuckled. “Well, that might’ve been part of it.” he cooed, the chicks straining forward to hear his soft voice. “But it wasn’t the only reason.

“For many, many seasons, the races of birds prospered and multiplied. Eventually, many came to the city, for it had many sources of food, less predators, and better weather. There were skirmishes, but they were short and between only a few birds. Then, a horrible drought came, and the birds of the overcrowded city, who had already been low on resources, found themselves having to fight to survive. The pigeons, though, were the smallest birds, and had no means to defend themselves. Even before the drought, they had been easily overwhelmed by the other races.

“Then, one pigeon rose up and took control of the various groups, transforming them into organized troops. This pigeon was the first general, who has names too numerous to count. He drove away the crows, ravens, and even the mighty seagulls with his army.

But the other birds were angry. A raven came into the city by night and slayed the general. Though this was the work of but one bird, the pigeons were enraged. A new general came and led them to battle, killing many birds, not all of them ravens. The assassin, though, was never caught.”

The younglings stared up at him in awe. “What happened next?” chirped one.

“Well, the other races learned to fear the pigeons.” the old one said, a hint of weariness in his voice. “We rule the city, and under our general, we will for many generations.”

The younglings peeped to each other excitedly. But the elder pigeon just sighed. Though they had won many battles, he knew that it wouldn’t be the last time they’d have to fight. The war was far from over.

The four races of birds living in and around the city prospered for years because of an overabundance of food and fair weather. Then, there was a drought, and the birds fought until the pigeons drove most of them from the city. For two years, the pigeons have ruled the city, but the other birds are starting to get restless. There is not enough room outside of the city for them to live. Now they want to take back what was lost.

The pigeons are a war-like race. Even though they have a ranking system, they are often disorganized. The various gang leaders are distrustful of each other, and there is constant fighting among the ranks. They tie sharp things to their feet for battle, since both their claws and beaks are too small to do any real damage. Their main advantage in a fight is strength in numbers. The pigeons live primarily in the city, where they are often seen in flocks foraging together or gathering on rooftops.

General: The top pigeon. Controls all the pigeon gangs, has a group of lieutenants that follow their orders and make sure the gang leaders stay in line.
Lieutenants: A group of pigeons that are loyal to the general and follow their orders
Gang leaders: Leaders of the various pigeon gangs under the general
Gang member: Pigeon in a gang
Non-member: Pigeons not attached to any gang

- pigeons eat seeds, fruit, food scraps left by humans, and sometimes insects
- they nest in rain gutters, abandoned buildings, and beneath eaves, overhangs, and bridges
- their predators include red-tailed hawks, cooper’s hawks, peregrine falcons, owls, and cats

Death-swords - bird control spikes
Pigeon-eaters - peregrine falcons, their main enemies, though can also be a general term for falcons and hawks
Night-stalkers - generally refers to cats, but can also refer to owls, raccoons, and other nocturnal predators
Loud-stompers - humans (only pigeons call them this)
Razor-talons - the sharp things pigeons collect to attach to their claws as weapons

The crows are very loyal to their family. The offspring of a pair are likely to stay with their parents and help raise their siblings for years. These birds will come together in huge flocks to swap experiences and news, though to other birds it just looks like a chaotic mess. The crows live in and around the city. They absolutely despise the ravens for unknown reasons, but have entered an uneasy truce with them in order to fend off the relentlessly aggressive pigeons.

Loners: Crows not in a family group

- crows eat small animals, insects, grain, fruits, carrion, human food scraps, berries, and seeds
- they make nests in trees, shrubs, on utility poles, sometimes on the ground or building ledges
- their predators include red-tailed hawks, owls, raccoons, and cats

Blast-sticks - guns
Roost-prods - bird control spikes

The ravens are more solitary than most of the other birds. Though they are known to, on occasion, group up in flocks if there are important matters to discuss. It usually takes several days of careful preparation, but once united, the ravens are a formidable force. They are very proud of their status as forest birds, and most know the layout of their home territory like the back of their wing. They are very stealthy, and may even teach another bird something if they have the patience and means to pay.

- ravens eat small animals, insects, grain, fruits, carrion, garbage, and seeds
- they build nests on cliff ledges, power line towers, telephone poles, in trees, and under bridges
- their predators include eagles, owls, hawks and occasionally foxes and cats

Blast-sticks - guns

The seagulls are quite the rambunctious group. They are usually disloyal, even to members of their own race, but won’t hesitate to band together in the face of danger or the pursuit of food. They are frequently seen trying to trade whatever odd things they’ve found with others. Seagulls, partly due to their larger size and partly due to their inflated egos- bolstered by living near the sea- regularly act fearless towards other creatures, even humans.

Seniors: Older, well respected seagulls. Other seagulls come to them for advice about nesting sites, pigeon raids, and where to get food. Some seniors require pay for their services, while some will give out information for free. They often lead attacks, and are no less fearsome than younger seagulls.

- seagulls eat fish, garbage, small animals, grains, carrion, insects, and mollusks
- they build nests on sea cliffs, islands on the coast, and roofs (they often nest together in colonies)
- their predators include large birds of prey (ex. eagles), sharks, foxes, and occasionally dogs
- seagulls can drink ocean water

Notguls - the word seagulls commonly use for any birds other than seagulls

The setting of this roleplay is a temperate zone by the ocean. The pigeons live mainly around the center of the city, the crows in the suburban areas surrounding the city, the ravens in the woodlands beyond, and the seagulls in the sea by the city.
Between the sea and the city, there is a large dump, where the pigeons, crows, and seagulls often look for food. The pigeons’ main base is in the center of the city atop a large, flat-roofed building.

Character Form
Family (if significant):

Character Page: https://www.backyardchickens.com/articles/fury-of-the-wind-a-bird-rp-character-page.74593/
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I shall appease you with my one character so there is no chance of confusion.
Name: Earl
Age: 16 years
Gender: male
Personality: has a high status and a lot to teach if you lend an ear. Reserved, but a strong fighter. Good old bird.
Description: very large raven, a little ragged and grey with age, but pretty well kept
Rank/Status: old bird
Family (if significant): open. His ancestors are dead though
Mate: no
Chicks: no. He's willing to talk to a few and explain things, but little patience for his own
History: strong fighter, has fought before, and he will fight to his end
I shall appease you with my one character so there is no chance of confusion.
Name: Earl
Age: 16 years
Gender: male
Personality: has a high status and a lot to teach if you lend an ear. Reserved, but a strong fighter. Good old bird.
Description: very large raven, a little ragged and grey with age, but pretty well kept
Rank/Status: old bird
Family (if significant): open. His ancestors are dead though
Mate: no
Chicks: no. He's willing to talk to a few and explain things, but little patience for his own
History: strong fighter, has fought before, and he will fight to his end
Accepted! Congrats for being the first. :lol:
Name: One-Toe
Age: 5 years
Gender: Female
Personality: Fierce, cold, calculating, and surprisingly fast. Doesn't talk much, but when she does, you should probably listen.
Description: Darker gray pigeon with only one toe
Rank/Status: General
Family (if significant): Open, if anyone wants to make some
Mate: An unimportant lieutenant
Chicks: Open. General One-Toe doesn't have time to raise her chicks, so allows other pigeons to raise them.
History: No one knows. It is rumored that she lost her toes in a battle with a gull.
Username: RoostersAreAwesome
Name: Marty
Age:1 year
Gender: female
Personality:low status loving gentle
Description:small bird loving and gentle
Rank/Status:low status
Family: open
History:none fighting does not like fighting
Name: Cricket
Age: 2 years
Gender: Female
Personality: Bold, loud, and clever. Enjoys playing tricks on cats. Reckless and passionate. Despises ravens.
Description: Normal crow
Rank/Status: N/A
Family (if significant): OPEN
Mate: None
Chicks: None
History: None
Username: RoostersAreAwesome

Name: Splash
Age: 2 years
Gender: Male
Personality: Will do anything to satisfy his curiosity. Loves the water for some odd reason. Open and accepting, is often seen hanging around seagulls and crows. Adventurous, and loves to collect things.
Screenshot_20181208-125251~2.jpg Screenshot_20181208-125127.jpg
Rank/Status: Non-member
Family (if significant): Open
Mate: None
Chicks: None
History: The only chick to hatch. His parents hated his love of the ocean, and abandoned him as soon as they could. Other pigeons try to stay away from him, but he doesn't seem to mind.
Username: RoostersAreAwesome

Name: Fish Sticks
Age: 2 years
Gender: Male
Personality: Speaks too fast for many to hear. Has weird ideas that don't make sense to anyone. Very friendly, unless you try to steal his food.
Rank/Status: N/A
Family (if significant): Open
Mate: None
Chicks: None
History: None
Other: He chose his own name
Username: RoostersAreAwesome

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