fuzzi's Chicken Journal

Good job with your judgement call, fuzzi! Happy for you and your flock. How is little chick doing?
They're all doing well, but LC was one of those grabbing tidbits between the hens!


Right in the middle of its nestmates, not a crybaby anymore.

I've been continuing to add electrolytes and vitamins to their water, and I also feed the chicks scrambled or chopped hard-boiled eggs daily, for extra protein!
Chicks had their first taste of ripe tomatoes tonight, mixed with chopped hard-boiled eggs. I made sure to toss some inside the brooder, and Martha led them in to enjoy without being harassed!


Rahab (dark) and Hannah


The Sillies, the Dominiques :lol:

Only chick picture I took was blurred, they're moving fast!

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