fuzzi's Chicken Journal

The company I purchased the drinking cups from sent me an extra one, so I can use it on a smaller container as per your suggestion!

I also put a very small hole in the side of the container right up under where the lid screws on to make sure the water will come out properly and not create a vacuum. You could also put a small hole in the lid. Not sure if that's an issue with the drinking cups or not, just something to keep in mind.
Nope. I kept reading here that the grass will hold it down.

Are bricks okay until the weeds grow through, or do I need to get landscape staples?

You need to pin the edges firmly to the ground.

That's what I used. Drive them in firmly.

  • Add cardboard bumpers (to block drafts) - DONE
  • Add cardboard to brooder door
  • Run electric cord to coop - DONE
  • (Make MHP if needed) - DONE
  • Add straw
  • Add waterer and feeder
  • Finish main door (hanging strip)
  • Buy chick food - DONE
  • Bring home chicks!

Water: I know to add the marbles, have some pretty glass "rocks" I put aside just for that purpose, but should I use the Corid and/or ACV in the water as a preventative? I think I've read TOO much, am getting confuzzled.

I give them PLAIN water only -- with Save-A-Chick the first day for shipped chicks. I never use ACV. My water is acidic enough.

But I use the medicated feed.
After I left work I stopped at Tractor Supply and bought a 50 lb bag of unmedicated chick feed (NatureWise Chick Starter Grower) AND a bottle of Corid, jic.

When I got home I found two mason jars to fit the chick feeder and waterer bases I bought weeks ago. They're soaking in the sink right now.

Then I ran an outdoor-rated extension cord to the coop from the house (outdoor outlet). And worked on getting it into the coop without cutting the HWC.

View attachment 3418452

Snaking (excuse the term!) the cord under the apron and through a gap under the coop frame.

Then I added a scrap piece of HWC and some weight:
View attachment 3418453

Inside I moved the firebricks enough to get the extension cord into the coop, then put everything back in place. I added a little piece of HWC but didn't attach it yet, just experimenting:
View attachment 3418458

The MHP needs to be in the brooder, so I did cut enough of the HWC on the back wall of the brooder to manoeuvre a plug through the outside:

View attachment 3418461

There's an overlap of HWC in that spot, so I can lay it back on top of the electric cord and secure it if I feel it's necessary.

Inside of brooder:
View attachment 3418462

By this time it was getting dark, so I took some tools and supplies inside with me. After I had a light supper I made my own MHP!

I used two scrap pieces of coated fencing attached to each other with electrical tape, and a 12"x24" heating pad (that is not supposed to have an auto shutoff) held on with small bungee cords.

View attachment 3418471

View attachment 3418469

Testing it right now.

Someone on BYC said they covered their MHP with a plastic trash bag and then a pillowcase. Anyone else use a plastic bag over the heating pad? I have 2 gallon zip bags and plastic grocery bags that I could use, just want to be safe.

The heating pad is on the low setting, and so far is only a little warmer than the back of my hand when I touch the heating pad surface. Warm enough?

Now I'm ready for bed 😴
Here's the post that inspired my MHP:

I've used the 6" and 12" landscape stakes, but it's probably overkill. Never had a predator incursion in a year of use, so calling it good.

When you drive them in, try using the side of the hammer, not the end. I got a better hit that way, and more certainty of hitting my target. Kinda like using a rubber mallet, but not rubber. Also, with the 6" ones especially, I could often push them in by hand if I wanted to, when the ground was wet. I have a loamy clay soil
I give them PLAIN water only -- with Save-A-Chick the first day for shipped chicks. I never use ACV. My water is acidic enough.

But I use the medicated feed.
I bought the unmedicated feed as I wasn't sure if the chicks were vaccinated or not, wanted to err on the side of caution. Now that I know they are not going to be vaccinated I was planning on doing the Corid water, as per @Wyorp Rock's post.
I bought the unmedicated feed as I wasn't sure if the chicks were vaccinated or not, wanted to err on the side of caution. Now that I know they are not going to be vaccinated I was planning on doing the Corid water, as per @Wyorp Rock's post.
Do they have Coccidiosis? If not, then I wouldn't use the Corid prophylactically.

I would however have Corid on hand. It's something that I think most should have in their first aid box, especially if you raise chicks.
Do they have Coccidiosis? If not, then I wouldn't use the Corid prophylactically.

I would however have Corid on hand. It's something that I think most should have in their first aid box, especially if you raise chicks.
Thank you!

I picked up the Corid yesterday, along with the chick feed.
I hope this will work okay...

The pillowcases around the MHP kept drooping, closing up the entrance, so I got creative with binder clips and zip-ties (this is the underside):


Hard to see but the underside stays open now.

I put a layer of straw around the sides and back, some underneath and a little on top.


And slid a piece of cardboard in place.


I'm going to check on the heating pad before bed, and first thing in the morning.

I'll fill the waterer and feeder when we get home with the chicks tomorrow.

Waddayathink? :pop

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