fuzzi's Chicken Journal


I found this dirty egg in the run when I got home, just before dark.

It cleaned up pretty with a damp cloth:

Hannah was doing her egg call this weekend but no eggs were in the nests. I was wondering if it had been laid a few days ago in the run, but buried by chickens scratching, so after taking the clean photo I cracked it open. It was perfect.

Hubby got two eggs over medium for dinner.
I had to stay at work very late yesterday... stupid meeting. I didn't get to interact with my chicks. :(

Today I got home about 20 minutes before sunset, and I rushed outside after changing into chicken clothes (and cutting up a few grapes). Maybe it was my imagination, but I thought the flock's rush to "greet" me (or the grapes?) was much more energetic than usual. Did they miss me?


Sunday after dark ⬆️⬆️⬆️
Eggs can get hidden/buried in straw from them scratching around, you may find some more!

Yes! I do think they miss you when they haven't seen you in a day or so, could be they are just excited because the bringer of Grapes finally appeared too, but let's just say they missed you (and grapes)😂

Seriously, I do think on a certain level they miss their normal keeper. A couple of years ago, I fell and couldn't get around very well for about a week or so. My Hubs will of course take care of the birds for me but it's not the same. I could see them from the window, and they were all like this is NOT Normal!!! They know who he is, but they acted totally different with him. When I finally was able to hobble out there, I was greeted by a LOT of chatter, flapping around, etc. It was nice to hear.

I’ve read and enjoyed this whole thread. You have a beautiful flock! It has inspired me to get a Speckled Sussex next time I order chicks, as yours are so pretty and seem very gentle!

This was my first year raising chicks/chickens, and my flock has just started laying. I have a standard Dominique and love her to pieces. I think she looks quite different from your bantams.


Just posting here so I can follow your flock journey! Can’t wait to see some hatchings next year!

I’ve read and enjoyed this whole thread. You have a beautiful flock! It has inspired me to get a Speckled Sussex next time I order chicks, as yours are so pretty and seem very gentle!

This was my first year raising chicks/chickens, and my flock has just started laying. I have a standard Dominique and love her to pieces. I think she looks quite different from your bantams.

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Just posting here so I can follow your flock journey! Can’t wait to see some hatchings next year!
Wow, the WHOLE thread?

Thank you so much. I made the thread mainly to keep a record of what worked or not, and I love getting feedback from others like you.

Pretty chick!
Eggs can get hidden/buried in straw from them scratching around, you may find some more!

Yes! I do think they miss you when they haven't seen you in a day or so, could be they are just excited because the bringer of Grapes finally appeared too, but let's just say they missed you (and grapes)😂

Seriously, I do think on a certain level they miss their normal keeper. A couple of years ago, I fell and couldn't get around very well for about a week or so. My Hubs will of course take care of the birds for me but it's not the same. I could see them from the window, and they were all like this is NOT Normal!!! They know who he is, but they acted totally different with him. When I finally was able to hobble out there, I was greeted by a LOT of chatter, flapping around, etc. It was nice to hear.
I was raking and rearranging last week. Maybe it was laid since? 🤔

Miss me? :gigI think it's more that they missed the grapes, but just maybe they missed my high-pitched "Hellloooo chicks!" greeting I use when, and ONLY when I bring treats.

In October we went to the shore for a few days and I had a friend fill in. When I got back Joel gave me a sharp peck! I guess he wasn't pleased. 🤣
Tonight they got leftover turkey!

The Sussex asserted their rights of first dibs, with a couple of bolder Dominiques reaching in and snatching tidbits between the diners. When the Sussex were sated the Doms took over what was left...and suddenly the Sussex took an interest again. That's when I took this photo ⬆️

Two of the waterer cups had a small layer of ice on top, but it was just floating. Here one I removed.

No eggs, but I really wasn't expecting any.

Lydia and Tamar (molting)

So, I got home early and spent about 15 minutes with the chicks today. I fed them grapes on a tray, and then I held collard leaves at bantam eye level until there was nothing left but ribs.

Tamar looks a little thinner than her sisters, and is acting more like an outlier than before. I'm thinking that the mini-molt is putting her lower in the pecking order. Twice this week I have checked on the chicks after dark, and noticed one of the Dominiques not roosting with the others. Both times I moved her back on the main roost, in an open spot. Tonight I shined my light briefly on the one I moved, and it was Tamar.

No eggs, in the boxes or otherwise.

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