fuzzi's Chicken Journal

I love egg pictures! It's a sign of success. Long road to get these pretty's. I may post one soon too if you don't mind in your thread.
You're welcome to share your chicken photos, including eggs!


Since 12/27/23...a week. I'll take them!
This afternoon:

I went out to the coop after I got home from work. The chicks had a treat of grape pieces with a little shredded cheese mixed in. Wow. They devoured it as if they'd not been fed in days...I've noticed that pattern lately. Growing?

Speaking of noticing, one of my Dominiques was missing her leg ring. A quick check of the other three identified her as Naomi. I got the extra zip-ties purchased for the purpose and grabbed Naomi to replace the missing ring. Then Martha decided to jump up on my lap, so I replaced her ring, then I grabbed Rahab, and then Hannah (who was wily about letting me corner her). Joel got his done as well, above his spur this time. There, I got the Sussex done.

Then some of the pullets started getting up on the roost, perfect! In short order I replaced leg rings for Lydia and Abigail. Tamar would not let me get close, she's the timid one. So I waited a few minutes...caught her while she was hopping up on the roost.

All leg ring replacement has been done except for Samuel. I have not put a replacement leg ring on him since his first ring caused his leg and foot to swell. I can tell the roosters apart, anyway. Samuel has a darker back and several white tail feathers.

And I collected two eggs today. :yesss:
Cold day, the watering cups had ice on them. I added some water to each cup and it thawed them enough for drinking.


There was a slight smell of manure today, perhaps the bacteria isn't doing its job due to the cold?

So I threw a flake of straw down... happy birds!
Nothing like having fresh straw! Listen to them chatting away❤️

It was 16F this morning, so frozen water for sure. The weather people can't decide if we are going to have just rain or "significant icing" in the morning. Well, I suppose it's going to be a surprise🤣
Thankful for just rain. It is a dark and dreary morning. Some of my older gals were not in a big hurry to go out of the coop this morning.
I guess my Wyandottes are taking a break and my Cream Legbars still have not started back laying.

Eggs from last few days.

@Wyorp Rock hope you don't get icing.
I like those dark eggs. I've never had dark brown egg layers. Maybe someday I might try some other breeds. I think I might like some colored eggs too.
I need a couple of more coops🤔😂

There was some freezing this morning, but it's warmed up. A LOT of rain though, still raining. I hope that moves out too, but then it will probably get windy😝

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