fuzzi's Chicken Journal

Oh dear Jesus!
I am so very very sorry. I know this was traumatic for you. My heart is weeping for you with very teary eyes.

I do not know what this could be. I've never seen a bird drop feathers unless molting. I feel certain he had something going on not yet recognized. Hopefully @Wyorp Rock may have some idea?

I have seen some really bad sicknesses, injuries and frost bite photos on this site. Never anything like you describe. I am at a loss.

I really hate to ask you but did you take any photos of the skin where the feathers came off so easily?

Have you buried him already?
You can wrap the body in plastic and put it in the refrigerator and send for necropsy. DO NOT FREEZE.
I do not have the info for NC or the cost. Wyorp Rock may know, if you are interested.

I am so so sorry. I know this is unexpected and a shock. ❤️❤️❤️
Oh dear Jesus!
I am so very very sorry. I know this was traumatic for you. My heart is weeping for you with very teary eyes.

I do not know what this could be. I've never seen a bird drop feathers unless molting. I feel certain he had something going on not yet recognized. Hopefully @Wyorp Rock may have some idea?

I have seen some really bad sicknesses, injuries and frost bite photos on this site. Never anything like you describe. I am at a loss.

I really hate to ask you but did you take any photos of the skin where the feathers came off so easily?

Have you buried him already?
You can wrap the body in plastic and put it in the refrigerator and send for necropsy. DO NOT FREEZE.
I do not have the info for NC or the cost. Wyorp Rock may know, if you are interested.

I am so so sorry. I know this is unexpected and a shock. ❤️❤️❤️
Thank you for your kind words.

I took a picture of Joel's body, but my son offered to dig a hole, so we buried him. I also took a photo of the feathers that he shed so quickly.

I didn't post them here, but I can.

When Joel was deposed last week I picked him up and went over him. There were no signs of mites or other parasites. His comb and wattles were red, no spots or blemishes. His feathers were still glossy, but in hindsight he seemed smaller.

I had mentioned earlier how Joel was always napping, and someone commented that there might be something wrong with Joel. Perhaps he had a heart issue.

That's Joel in front with the stripes down the side of his head.
I took a picture of Joel's body, but my son offered to dig a hole, so we buried him. I also took a photo of the feathers that he shed so quickly.
I don't necropsy my birds either. Just bury them. If I lost several at once I might consider necropsy if I was not sure of the cause.
I didn't post them here, but I can.
Do this so Wyorp Rock will have all the information.
When Joel was deposed last week I picked him up and went over him. There were no signs of mites or other parasites. His comb and wattles were red, no spots or blemishes. His feathers were still glossy, but in hindsight he seemed smaller.
I noticed his comb too. Bright red comb is always a good sign. By the time the comb is dark it usually is not good. I always take notice of the combs. Weight loss, a sign something was going on.
I had mentioned earlier how Joel was always napping, and someone commented that there might be something wrong with Joel. Perhaps he had a heart issue.
Yes, Wyorp Rock noticed this. I didn't notice his crop until she said something but it did look a bit large that day. Sometimes they will eat straw or long blades of grass. It can ball up in their crops sometimes and create a blockage. Had you ever noticed him nibbling on straw or similar? I put straw in my runs sometimes and never had a problem. Do you think he was eating and pooping okay? It can be hard to know. Sometimes crop problems can just be a sign something else is going on too. So, it can be hard to pinpoint a cause. A heart issue is also possible.
I did keep some of the tail feathers that Joel shed. One is a very pretty glossy black with green iridescence.
I save feathers too. ❤️
Joel about 5 minutes after he died:


Three unusual things I noticed about Joel but never had an answer to why:
  • He squinted
  • His legs always had a slight grayish tinge
  • He napped
I'm okay, really. Just sad. I stroked him for a few minutes, told him he'd been a good boy.

Blast. Now my eyes are watering...
I lost my first bird right at my first year of chicken keeping.
It was my only rooster. I still don't know why he died. He was a one year old Buff Orpington named Cowboy. My 6 yr old (at the time) grandson named him. He was such the perfect gentleman rooster. I'll never forget him.

I've lost others in 11 years. I loved them all. My flock are pets with the benefit of eggs. I have some that don't lay anymore.

It is difficult to loose pets. Love your babies.

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