fuzzi's Chicken Journal

I just took a broody out of a nesting box. I think it was Martha. If she's back in the box tomorrow I may just stick a couple eggs under her.

I have eleven eggs to choose from.

(from 2/4/24 until today)
I've hatched within the flock before, you do want to mark the eggs. A broody is fierce when she has babies, so generally the other hens won't mess with her. Now if a chick happens to wander and is "alone" that may be a different matter. Depending on your rooster, he often keeps the peace when babies with a broody are running about.

I'd do it again. But I've read some threads where things just didn't work out either. You just never know. Chickens will be chickens at times.
If it's Martha who's gone broody I think she'll have no issues, she's top gal, NO ONE pecks her. I rarely see her peck any of the others, either.

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