Game hen color?


10 Years
Dec 22, 2009
I have a (probably) stupid question. Does the partridge color ever occur in roosters among game fowl? A friend gave me a couple 4 wk old critters thinking that, due to comb and spur, they were roos. I keep looking around and never see partridge on game roos. They have this quail-like eye stripe and gold head and neck, with rich partridge color and black tail. As a crafter I was thinking meat & feathers, but would it be worth maybe getting them a Partridge Rock rooster or something more barnyard friendly to sire more pretty feathers? I'm kind of leery of turning a game roo loose with my nice sweet layers and their roo.
I don't recall Partridge being something commonly thrown around amongst gamefowl folks.

Definitely don't turn a game cock loose with your flock if you've already got a rooster you like. You'd need to house him separately from other roosters.
Since they are only 4 weeks old, they won`t be agressive to your older rooster. In fact, he will kinda take them under his wing, so to speak, and take care of them. They are a little young to be free ranged. The "nice sweet layers" however, will give them a fit. They need to be a little older so they can escape the hens wrath. When the game boys get a little older, the old rooster can still run a good bluff on them for quite a while. Don`t believe me, huh. Well try it and see if this old man ain`t tellin the truth.......Pop
Maybe I'm not calling the color by the right name - the feathers are reddish with multiple small black stripes across them
A female OEG red breasted black sounds a little like what you described.... they are much more blah looking than the males who are verrrrry pretty! Try and post some pictures!!
Is this the color you mean? (birds not mine)




If so, BBred is a pretty common color. In the American Gamefowl, usually birds with this color is just classified as a hatch. Are you sure they are hens? Remember, games do come henny feathered too

Yes, the pullet is the same color as these critters. Do they lose the eye stripe? These also have a gold tint to their necks
wood&feathers :

Yes, the pullet is the same color as these critters. Do they lose the eye stripe? These also have a gold tint to their necks

Yep, they will lose the "Chipmunk stripes" on their back and eyes.

No idea if they are pullets or cockerels. I was just looking around at pics and beginning to wonder if I wound up with hens. They were free. Daddy is a tall Kentucky fighting mix, black tail, gold hackle and red breast. The hens are this wild looking color as in your pics, but with pretty gold neck and head. I really have no clue.

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