gangrene / amputation? (Photos)

Good to know. I have been spraying the dermaplast which should numb a little. Tried wrapping a lidocaine patch but it just stuck to everything and was a hassle - I need to buy vet wrap. Seems like that might become part of her life if she needs padding on her stump.

I have been giving this chick epson salt soaks & betadine baths and spraying with dermaplast but today the foot looks like it has literal green patches. Does gangrene turn green? Advice please!

I don’t want the other baby chicks to get sick or her to suffer any more then she has been.

I’ve never culled a chick before and I don’t want to if I don’t have to….advice!!!
Updated photos can be helpful.

I would not use a lidocaine patch. While there's some controversy about the safety of the use of products that contain medications that end in "caine" - some say it's fine to use for a short period of time, others say it's toxic...I'd opt to err on the side of caution for such a young chick and just not use it.
All of these products are somewhat absorbed through the skin.

Vet Wrap is very good. I buy bulk off amazon, it can be used for a number of things.
The lidocaine patch didn’t stick well - so I didn’t use it (unless that’s the main ingredient in dermaplast? 🤔

The chick is limping a little bit - it looks like the foot is getting closer to coming off…self amputating.

I’ll get photos tomorrow
How is your chick doing?
Personality seems typical of all the other baby chicks it’s currently living with in the brooder. Eating drinking running around trying to fly.

Here are pictures from this morning.


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It’s mainly yellow but there is darker up higher on the other leg (higher up then on the bad leg…and I don’t recall either of the legs having darkness when she first came…so I’m not sure what to think either….

It does look like the self amputation is due any day (it’s getting bulbous at the place where the circulation was cut off)

I figure I can spray it and wait…I soak it and try to wash it but she just runs right back thru poop & bedding - once the amputation happens I feel like I can wrap it better to stay clean…🤷🏼‍♀️


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And I noticed she’s missing belly feathers - like a broody hen might….wondering if her bad foot is snagging on the belly feathers and pulling them out because she always has feathers and fluff stuck to her foot when I clean it.

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