Gaps in coop floor

Oilcloth, cool, let me look at that. Thanks to all for the replies!

As promised, here are pics of the coop.

EDIT: gaps between planks are about 1/4" I would say.
I wouldn't worry about those tiny(look smaller than 1/4" to me) gaps.

Is that coop closed up in front too?

Where in this world are you located?
Climate, and time of year, is almost always a factor.
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It's easy to do, and then it's always there!
Oh, can anyone chime in on whether oilcloth would be toxic to the chickens at all?

Just curious. Thanks!
Not at all. Contemporary oilcloth isn’t impregnated with oils anymore like it has been in the past, it just kept the name. Now it’s just cotton with a vinyl backing on one side. And it’s not like they’ll be eating it… It’s very tough and holds up great, and will be under the bedding anyway.
If that floor gets weather, plywood won't last long being on that flat plane. Water is going to pool and it will swell and rot especially at the seams.
Still doable if you paint or stain it and cover the seams with a super thin trim caulked down.
If you do decide to cover it, I would lay hardware cloth down first. If a hole opens up and it's not noticeable with the mulch over it, something could get in before you notice it.
Just some added predator proofing to stew on.
If that floor gets weather, plywood won't last long being on that flat plane. Water is going to pool and it will swell and rot especially at the seams.
Still doable if you paint or stain it and cover the seams with a super thin trim caulked down.
If you do decide to cover it, I would lay hardware cloth down first. If a hole opens up and it's not noticeable with the mulch over it, something could get in before you notice it.
Just some added predator proofing to stew on.
The other coop right next to it has 3/4" plywood floor (with wood chips on top) treated with Preserva Wood and has done well so far (it has a roof). I would definitely treat thinner plywood too.

For now looks like oilcloth is the simplest solution, with wood chips on top.
i used linoleum previously with good success. Easy to roll out and clean with either a broom and shovel once in awhile and with a hose or power washer when you feel really adventurous. I've since switched to high density plastic (HDPE) which admittedly is overkill but with thick layer of hemp, i just literally sweep it clean with no poop sticking to it.

while gaps probably aren't really a big problem, my main concern would be poop building up in there and eventually mites and other problems. Just my two cents...
Yep. I think now it's called "vinyl tablecloth", but that's the idea yeah. Cotton on one side for durability (so it doesn't rip easily like a regular sheet of plastic would), some kind of plastic on the other side to make it waterproof (unlike regular cotton tablecloth which gets wet/dirty).

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