Garden and chickens


10 Years
May 12, 2014
I have planters that I have caged in with chicken wire to keep animals out. If I plant potato's in the and the leaves are up against the wire. Are my girls at risk?
They will be able to peck the leaves through the wire. Nightshades are not good for chickens. Often times they avoid what is not good for them but I’m pretty sure they will at least try it.
No. Mine like the leaves when the plants are young but not later. Turns out the concentration of the toxins is much lower in young leaves. As long as the chickens have access to other food, they are very unlikely to eat enough to harm themselves.
We had potatoes in ground and also chickens. They weren't that interested in the potatoes. As Saysfaa wrote, the young tender leaves have low toxin. Also, potato leaves are anti parasitic, but I don't know what they kill. Sometimes animals will eat something that is poisonous in order to kill internal parasites.

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