Garter Snake infestation

Jacob Duckman

Jul 4, 2016
Lehigh Valley
I first noticed that the chipmunks were disappearing. I used to see a few of them every day in the yard and I haven't seen one in weeks.

Then I was mowing one day and saw a big 30"ish garter snake slithering away. That same day I saw another big one on the other end of the yard, a good 150ft away trimming some bushes and it had a more brownish color. I see them almost every day now, often times in daylight. Chickens are cooped at night and eggs havent been touched, but these snakes are creeping people out and i'm afraid of getting bitten one day or the chickens getting hurt during free ranging times. A side note here: None of these snakes tried to bite me, they all either stayed in position or ran away... do garter snakes actually bite? or do they leave you alone? How common is it?

Any way to get rid of them? The snake repellents on amazon all have iffy reviews.. Would adopting an indoor/outdoor cat help?
Garter snakes can be harmful. Though they also have different personalities. Some can be aggresive and some can just run away. They are actually venomous and have very sharp teeth. I would steer clear from them. BUT, small garter snakes can be eaten by chickens.
We have garter snakes out here in Western Washington but non poisoning variety my chickens kill the smaller ones not sure about where you are never seen large infestations but would be concerned
Garter snakes are harmless to people. Yes they can bite, but usually only if they cant get away. They are not poisonous. They cannot hurt your chickens and most are too small to eat eggs. They do keep the mice population down. Ive seen chickens kill them and eat them. That being said, I hate snakes, am terrified. Ive heard if you have guineas that you will no longer have a snake problem.
OK, so while it's true that garter snakes are slightly venomous, they do not have the ability to deliver that venom (they don't have fangs) and it's so mild that it is not harmful to humans, even if they *could* somehow get it in you. Their teeth are tiny and they would have a hard time even breaking the skin. The only tooth they have capable of inflicting venom is a tiny tooth at the very back of their jaws.

These are beneficial snakes that are generally going to eat slugs, worms, leeches, frogs, small minnows, and small rodents like mice. Since they help to clean up the insect and rodent population, I actually encourage them around my house, and we really strive to never hurt them when we mow the lawn.

Garter snakes generally do their level best to stay as far away from people and other large animals as possible... they are not an aggressive species. I've handled hundreds of them, they don't try to bite but they DO exude a smelly substance from the opposite end of the head, if you see what I mean, in an effort to disgust and repel a predator. They will only bite in desperation when all else has failed, and as I said, their teeth are so tiny they have a hard time breaking the skin.

It sounds like the snakes are keeping the rodent population under control at your place. They don't pose any threat to chickens and are too small to eat the eggs, plus, it's fall and they are getting ready to hibernate for the winter so they will be gone once it gets really cold. Personally, I would not worry about it.
i used to have a pet garter snake [when i was younger] got rid of it cuz of the smell.. but they are pretty harmless.. even a large one, might sneak an egg here and there, but not a big threat to chickens..

and every cat i've had was always terrified of snakes..
I first noticed that the chipmunks were disappearing. I used to see a few of them every day in the yard and I haven't seen one in weeks.

Then I was mowing one day and saw a big 30"ish garter snake slithering away. That same day I saw another big one on the other end of the yard, a good 150ft away trimming some bushes and it had a more brownish color. I see them almost every day now, often times in daylight. Chickens are cooped at night and eggs havent been touched, but these snakes are creeping people out and i'm afraid of getting bitten one day or the chickens getting hurt during free ranging times. A side note here: None of these snakes tried to bite me, they all either stayed in position or ran away... do garter snakes actually bite? or do they leave you alone? How common is it?

Any way to get rid of them? The snake repellents on amazon all have iffy reviews.. Would adopting an indoor/outdoor cat help?
Garter snakes are just plain mean, I have been a snake enthusiast and catcher forever and I grew up around them, compared to other snake species they bite more when cornered and can reach huge sizes. They can eat the eggs if they're big enough and even day old chicks.
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Garter snakes are just plain mean, I have been a snake enthusiast and catcher forever and I grew up around them, compared to other snake species they bite more when cornered and can reach huge sizes. They can eat the eggs if they're big enough and even day old chicks. I'd recommend a cat because it will keep the snakes at bay while doing a probably better job at keeping rodents and critters away. Just make sure that the cat stays away from the chickens. However do not go out and by a kitten and stick it outside, go to shelters first or checkout There are many shelters that offer programs that have barn cats that are up to date on shots and vaccines.
Say what!?!?!?!?

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