*Gas Can Safety spout*


Mosquito Beach Poultry
11 Years
May 24, 2008
Southeast Arkansas
This message is to whomever invented, financed, lobbied for, approved or in any other way brought this blight into existence.

Yes, this one right here:

I hope one day your life depends on you filling you generator at 3 o'clock in the morning is sub-freezing weather with arthritic hands with one of these stuck on your gas can.

It would only be fair.
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In my opinion, every gas can design over the last 10 years has gotten progressively worse. This one takes the cake for horrible-ness, I agree. I gave up, went old school and got a big funnel and just unscrew the ridiculous thing.
You know, when I was young, "American ingenuity" was a good thing. Now it's no surprise when most anything you buy breaks or does not work in the first place.

Well, guess it's not American any more.
That is why we use the blue Kero containers for gas. No stupid spout, works just the same, and is cheaper.
That is why when I go to auctions old style gas cans are top on my must buy list. I can never get all the gas out of the can nor can I pour it without it leaking.
You're supposed to use that stock spout to pour though?

It's probably mandatory because of a lawsuit happy American who didn't figure out in time that you shouldn't smoke over a gas can they just tipped over and had the regular spout on it.
If you aren't smart enough to poor gas out of a can...well,
you shouldn't be pooring gas out of a can.

We had a couple of foolish looking gas cans for the race cars.
And yes, they worked much better after we threw the foolish
looking part away.
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