Geese hatching behavior


Sep 2, 2015
My Coop
My Coop
Ok so we have three Toulouse geese one had a clutch of four eggs hatch. Since then the other goose hen decide that she wasn't going to sit on her nest all day instead she grazes swims and lays around else where ever once in a long time she might go back and sit on her eggs. I am getting to were I want to pin her down and tie her to her nest... Anyways this morning as I feeding up I noticed a egh that look like it had tried to hatch then didn't the gosling didn't make it. Now we waiting for the other four to hatch. Next time I am not letting either sit before the other. They drive me nuts. Grantee its now hot when it was cool...65compared to 80+
Sometimes with fowl of all breeds when one clutch of eggs hatches other brooding females will hear the chicks/ducklings/goslings and be triggered to leave their nests. Hopefully you managed to hatch the remaining eggs.
I was unable to hatch them my incubator decide to die.
On other news I now have gosling having issues. One of the four seem to have gotten hurt its unable to stand. I brought him( not assuming sex just what I call unknown sex animals) inside I had a heat lamp on him for a bit he kept trying to wiggle away from it so I turned it off. It's 75 in the house I have him in the warmest room(laundry room no drafts) does he need it on. He finally chirping some. He seems ok for the most part outside of him not wanting to stand I think his leg got out of socket. He was holding it odd.I kept working that one side he now holding it normally but laying down and not walking still but it just happened I going to watch him go awhile to see if he makes it. Any thoughts? (He has access to water and food)
I don't think he going to make it now... His breathing is laboured and gasping alittle.


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Well the gosling proved me wrong and I am thrilled he not only alive but has been reunited with his family. Had another who hurt his foot had him take a break inside he recovered as well. Both brats bit me.

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