Geese Nails


Oct 26, 2016
Is it normal for geese to lose nails??

About a week ago I noticed the back bit on my goose’s foot had been bleeding and he’d lost the nail there. I stressed so bad about him getting it stuck somewhere and hurting himself! 🙁Today I noticed the back of his foot bleeding, this time the opposite one and he’s lost the nail there too! 🙁🙁 He seems happy otherwise and not at all bothered by it. I however am rather concerned 😟
My gander lost that exact same nail. Keep an eye on it that it doesn't become swollen or infected. As long as you keep their pool clean he will be able to clean it up himself pretty well.

He likely caught it on something that ripped it off. My guy's nail hasn't grown back yet...just a little nub of a nail.
My gander lost that exact same nail. Keep an eye on it that it doesn't become swollen or infected. As long as you keep their pool clean he will be able to clean it up himself pretty well.

He likely caught it on something that ripped it off. My guy's nail hasn't grown back yet...just a little nub of a nail.

Thank you 😊 That give’s me some relief. I will definitely be keeping an eye on him! He’s my precious little baby! He’s a bit of a goof sometimes, often walking straight into things, so it wouldn’t surprise me if he managed to get it hooked. Makes me sad to think about it, poor little dude!
But he does seem pretty happy and normal despite it
My late goose, Keld, constantly ripped of that nail - on both feet. Once the bleeding was so bad I got really worried. The vet told me to sear the wound to stop the bleeding. I used a soldering iron, just for a second, and it worked like a charm. Keld didn't seem to notice it at all (except she didn't like me touching her feet) and was happily running around seconds after.
I've noticed that my current geese seem to wear down that "leg nail" just like all the other nails. Keld's "leg nails" were positioned differently, so they grew longer and thus easily got hooked on stuff.

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