Geneology: I have documented evidence back to the 1700's.


In the Brooder
7 Years
Mar 28, 2012

I've traced my Drake line from Vinton County Ohio to Ok, Missouri, Ill, Alabama, and other states. I often feel like i'm beating my head against a well, but eventually I'll find the next link.
Hey mamajo,

welcome to Backyardchickens!!

My sister and cousin have made great progress in tracing our family lineage over the last few years. It seems to take a lot of time online but in the process they have found out a lot about the family and even met some relatives that we didnt know about.

Good luck in your endeavers.

Good luck with your research! It's very rewarding when you get to fill in some blanks. Sadly, I am taking a break from my genealogical research because I got too frustrated with the dead ends. I will return, tho!
Keep the patience! My grandmother was big into the geneology stuff while she was here. She traced one line back to the Mayflower. I've always thought that was really cool.
My grandmother (dad's mom) was a great help in my geneology. Way back when she was very young, she documented our family history all the way back to 1599 in Norway. The problem is she ONLY focused on the male line and only gave the "wife name" and was really vauge about the female line. So I have only line really well documented. I'm stuck on my Dad's father's line because all of that family died young. My dad's father died when my dad was only 5 so I don't have much information on them. I've got that line traced back two generations more back to Norway, but I"m stuck from there. On my mom's side, I'm stuck at a line in County Tipperary Ireland and a line in Germany for her mother. My Mom's dad's side was a bit easier as most of that geneology was already done by another family member. We did trace his lines back to England just before the Revolutionary war when one of the great, great, great(etc) ancesters was a traitor to England and issued "Hit" on the King of England.

It is a really long process, but one day you will find some really interesting stuff.

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