Georgia desperate for 2-3 Silkie hens and Millie Fleur d'Uccles


6 Years
Feb 22, 2013
Newnan Ga
Hi Everyone- We've had pet chickens for 16 years with overall good luck. Last weekend at a poultry show, we purchased two darling Silkie pullets and two beautiful Mille Fleur d'Uccle pullets. For temporary housing they were being kept in an enclosure within our completely enclosed run. It has a little separate coop and we put one mature hen in with them for company.

Something got into this enclosure and killed the four new pullets but not the larger hen. I think it may have been a possum which squeezed in at the gate enclosure. I was absolutely devastated. This happened overnight Thursday. We have gone over coop and run with eagle eyes and covered any potential entry areas with pieces of wire. I want to purchase two bantam Silkies ( one white/paint), one Partridge/buff hen-pullets; and two Millie Fleur d'Uccles as I quickly became attached to those darlings. I am so depressed over this.

Does anyone have any of these birds available for sale? I promise this was has never happened and our birds are very very well cared for.

We are in Newnan Georgia which is just south of Atlanta. Thank you very much.
Hi and welcome to BYC from northern Michigan. Sorry to hear about your birds. You might try posting in the Georgia thread, maybe there is someone not too far from you who has birds for sale.
sorry to hear about your chickens, you may also try Craigslist too, or inquire at your local feedstore for some local breeders.
Greetings from Kansas, jflanny, and
! Great to have you here but sorry to hear about your losses! In addition to what the others have posted about finding replacement chicks, you might also post in the Buy-Sell-Trade section below. Good luck - hope you find the birds you seek!

You can also post in the breeds/genetics/showing thread below. Look up the specific breeds and post your request.
Thank you everyone! Brand-new here so just learning the ropes. Much appreciated. Have sent emaiks to a couple local breeders. Will try to locate the "georgia" thread on here- haven't quite gotten the hang of it yet!

But I am very appreciative as I said!
Hello and welcome to BYC
I'm so sorry to hear about your loss
I hope you find some replacements soon! Once you have a post count of 20 or more you can place a "wanted" ad in the BST section here. Hopefully someone will be able to help you.

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