Getting chicks on Firday/newbie


12 Years
Mar 21, 2007
Hi, I just picked up the feeder, waterer, feed, and heat lamp. I found out I HAVE to buy 12 chicks to buy at all. I have a box big enough for 4 maybe 5. I do have another but its slightly smaller, 3 maybe 4 chicks. . . can I tape these two together and use poster board as the bottom? I have 3 full sheets of it. . . I only wanted 3 to 7 but have room for the full 12. So no worries there. I wanted Buff Orphs but they only had 2 left when I went by so not too sure what all I'll be getting when I get them friday. I hear pine shavings are what to use for the bedding. . . is this true? I was going to line the bottom with whole sheets of newspaper and cover that with shredded paper. . . cleaning it out 2x a day. I am a stay at home mom, so I have lots of time for the chicks. I also wanted to double check, they can be moved to the garage at 6 weeks? The garage is not used for the car or storage, would be just for them. Also how big should I make the run yard for them? I plan on only getting pullets. So no worries on roos fighting or whatnot. Thanks for the help!

I took two large boxes and taped them together to make one larger box to brood my 27 little boogers, and its worked wonderfully for me so far (they're 2 weeks old now)!
You can take several boxes (if they're smaller) and cut them apart and tape them together to make a box big enough to handle 12 chicks. My set up is roughly 4' wide and 5' long and at 2 weeks they still have plenty of room to grow. You should be able to get away with a box half that size for your 12. Hope that helps!

PS...Here's a pic of my set up to give you an idea. (This was taken when they were just a few days old.)

I currently have 10 chicks in a brooder that is about two by three feet. They will all be in there till about 6 weeks old. Last year, I had 18 in that same box up till 4 weeks old. They were a bit cramped but did fine with a once a day cleaning. I put down pine shavings in the bottom to help with the poo.
My setup is almost exactly half of that
If needed I have a few boxes I can use to expand when they get bigger. I got the 12. I ended up with an odd variety.

4 White Leghorns (not doing again they are pushy!) Pullets
2 Australorps (come when called already!) Pullets
1 Black Silkie Bantam (afraid I might lose this one, its so tiny) St. Run
1 Black and yellow bantam I'm not sure on. St. Run
4 Americaunas (3 are a dusky yellow with grey patches? One is brown and rust color? Also 2 are smaller than the others, possibly bantam? These two and the brown one have feathers on their legs the fourth doesn't?) Supposed to be Pullets

They are all eating great, drinking, I am keeping their bums clean, and they aren't panting or piling. Wish I could get pics. They are so cute!

These two and the brown one have feathers on their legs the fourth doesn't?

Do the feathers go lower than the knee? Ameraucanas should be clean-legged, having no feathers on their legs below the knee. If they have feathers lower, it is possible they are another breed, like a cochin, which are feather-footed. Also, Ameraucanas do come in standard and bantam I believe. Some of mine are smaller than the others.​
Yes they go almost down to the toes. However these three are larger than the two I was guaranteed are bantams. Funny thing on one of the bantams is it has 3 front facing toes and two on what I would call the heel or ankle. They are growing close together reminds me of how chameleons have two thumb like toes. Its ok if these three are not ameraucanas, egg color doesn't matter to me too much

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