Getting chicks Sensitized to handling? How best to do?


10 Years
Jul 2, 2013
Michigan (USA)
I have some more chicks coming and already have 17 3 month olds. I wasn't able to work with the 3 month olds on handling for quite some time. Now when I need to catch one they run. I end up chasing them, trying to corner them and usually grabbing them by a leg or tail or wing (what ever I have hold on after they squirm around) or netting them. This is unpleasant for me and I'm sure it is much more so for the birds. Plus I don't want any accidents while chasing and grabbing and have a bird end up hurt. And I cant see where grabbing them is going to make them want to be grabbed again, I'm sure it just re enforces the running and squirming.

Does any one know how to best get chickens use to handling?

And How is best to start handling with day old chicks?

Are there any particulars I should know?

I use to use food for my older birds and they would come up on my lap but these were handled much more frequently as chicks. I don't know what to do with older birds that aren't previously handled.
I hate doing the 'dash and grab' dance with them, it just seams unproductive and hazardous for my chickens. I worm and dust my chickens with flea powder by hand so handling is a must. Not to mention I want to show my upcoming chickens.

I need to handle both hens and roos.

Any tips are appreciated!
I want to know too! I have a chick I have handles a lot since birth, but he asks like Im going to eat him every time I go to handle him
Quite simply. Constantly be picking them up, walking around with them etc... get them used to having you hand over their wings as this is a problem with some older birds that haven't been handled enough. Also very gently from a young age slowly fold out their wings often so you can do it when they're older espeicially if you plan on showing like so-

(Dont mind the subject just look at the pic)
Quite simply. Constantly be picking them up, walking around with them etc... get them used to having you hand over their wings as this is a problem with some older birds that haven't been handled enough. Also very gently from a young age slowly fold out their wings often so you can do it when they're older espeicially if you plan on showing like so-

(Dont mind the subject just look at the pic)
Thanks for the tips!
Do you have any ideas for the older birds that are already hard to catch? Is there any better way to catch them so i don't traumatize them while trying to train them? My Russian roo Big Red I carry around each day, hes the easiest to catch. The others are more flighty.

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