Getting Naked**pics**

Hi Lennyroo, Welcome!

I have the Silkie version of naked necks, they are called "Showgirls" They have the same sweet disposition as silkies and they look cool!

This is Zsa-Zsa after a show in January.

This is another young pullet.

I just happened to find 18 naked necks at my local feed store. They hadn't ordered them, but Privett Hatchery mailed them 2 orders that weren't theirs ... and they wanted to sell all their chicks before Easter. The manager said the invoice showed that they are pullets, although I think a few are starting to grow a bigger comb than the others. Anyway ... I lucked out ... the manager sold me all his easter chicks for .25 cents each! OK, I had to take over 100 chicks ... but I haven't complained too much .... it's a chore keeping all their cages clean & fresh water & chick feed. But, after researching the naked necks ... I know I for sure want to keep them. I like the fact that they lay large brown eggs. And of all the kinds of chicks I wound up with, they are the friendliest. The run toward me and jump on my hands when all the others run away! I think they definitely have better personalities ... and they are funny looking. I like funny looking chickens ... that's why I raise brabanters and spitzhaubens!
In my opinion , NN's are the best ! I have 2 banties that are very curious , broody , and good all around pets / livestock ! I don't understand why people think of them as ugly......but to each is their own . I would recomend them to anyone . They are not agressive , don't tend to pick , and don't seem to mind being handled . JMO .
Peepsnbunnies, I love you Showgirls! If you have these do you need to keep them separate from regular Silkies? If you have a regular Silkie rooster what will the babies be?
Thanks !
nice one L
I'll use that tactic to get a repsonse to my posts.
I too am new to this forum and chooks and I'm spending all my time searching the whole garden for eggs.
my post still on 0 must be looking for your nakedness
Has anyone here seen the Jim Henson movie "The Dark Crystal"? These NN chickens look alot like one of the character types in that movie! They were scary when I saw the move as a kid, but also quite mezmerizing!
I wonder if Jim Henson and the gang took some inspiration from some NNs they saw somewhere?
Thanks for sharing!

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