Getting new hens to lay

There is nothing that you can do to make them lay quicker. That part is totally up God and God alone. Once they lay, you can certainly provide a good diet for them. If you free range your chickens, that is the best diet that you can provide. They will naturally take from nature what they need and what they are "designed" to eat. If they are not able to free range, and you are truly concerned about the best possible for your girls, an organic "layer" feed should be fed to them AFTER they lay their first egg. This will provide the healthiest eggs for human consumption. Organic can be costly (It's what I use during the winter months but I only have 5 hens. You have WAY more than me). Commercial non organic feed is a last resort in my opinion. Keep your girls on the grower/finisher feed until they give you that first egg though. The layer feed has more calcium and is not good for growing pullets who have not begun to lay yet. It took me 6 months to get our first egg. I have Buff Orpingtons.

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Took my PR's about 5 months to start laying. The first egg was so thin it broke when I picked it up. About the size of a ping pong ball. You can keep them on starter till they start laying if you wish. You also could switch to flock raiser now and offer them oyster shell on the side. They won't eat the oyster shell till they start needing the calcium.

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