Getting Quail!!! Now tell me what I need!

Mrs. AK-Bird-Brain :

Interesting, where did you find this information at??


I was told that, specifically, by Jodi (see the link a few posts up for Bracken Ridge Ranch)... In preparation for receiving hatching eggs, I've emailed back and forth a bit. I told her I only had medicated chick starter on hand, and asked if that was ok. Her reply (quote) "Thank you for asking about the medicated chick starter, it is not good for Button Quail as they are so small and even small doses of it is not good for them. In adult birds it can render the males temporarily infertile, so stay away from it."
(I almost had it right with the "less virile".
The game-starter is the best. For babies, she told me "The important thing is diet. Between now and the time the eggs arrive try to find some gamebird starter crumbles or chick starter crumbles. You are going to want to run those though a food processor or blender to grind it to about the consistency of corn meal. You can also grind a high protein dry cat food in with that to boost the protein up.
They have a high metabolic rate so they need the extra protein. When they are about 4 or 5 weeks old add a good quality finch seed mix to balance things out."

Thanks for the reply, didn't mean to come off condescending with the post, was the first I heard of the statement!! Like everyone in the world, those in aviculture also have a difference of opinion - I have read her articles in the Gazette and the site and admit that I do!! I'm curious to the research behind the fertility and the medicated feed.

In addition to the other posts on food, we also offer live food. The quail are kept in an outdoor flight with finches and have access to the mealworms provided for the finches as well as whatever insects make their way through!!

Oh... no Dan, you didn't... sorry. I'm just way too excited about all this and got carried away.
Didn't want to be accused of just spouting off my opinions, when all I've got is 2 little grey button quail right now! LOL! I figured she's an expert, after raising them all these years.

Um... the scientist in me wants to test the statement, but I don't want to do it at the expense of my babies...
I guess I'll just have to trust that she's right.
Have a good one!
I've got my little bitty Bobwhite quail on Monday. They are a week old and I swear they will fit in a soup spoon. I've got them in one of the brooders that I was using for my chickens (they out grew it and are now living in my bathtub !!
until they can go outside)

I check with the county extension guy and he said I could release them. Another breeder said no I can't. Hmmmmmmm
We'll see how it goes. They are just toooo dang cute to eat!!

Thanks for all the info ya'll

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