GIANT Black Star Egg


Mar 30, 2018
So I came home from vacation Saturday morning and my boyfriends brother (who was watching the chickens and ducks while we were away) hands me this MASSIVE egg! I have never in my life seen a chicken egg so big. I thought it must be a fluke, maybe a double yolk - though I've had double yolkers that were no where near this size... That same day I went to check for eggs and there's another one the same size! And then, yesterday, ANOTHER ONE. I have yet to crack one open because I haven't made eggs since I've been home, but I plan on using some tonight when I make breakfast for dinner. Has anyone ever experienced this before? I don't have a picture yet (will post later) but they're about three inches in height! I have a feeling that it's Lady who is laying them because she is the biggest out of the three girls. Could this be her new normal egg size now that she has been laying for over a month? I do know that black stars lay large brown eggs, but these are like extra extra large!

Note: before I went on vacation I gave the girls some yogurt for the first time (hilarious by the way!) - is it possible this helped boost the egg size?
Pictures?? Before and after cracking open. It may be a double yolker, or maybe an egg inside an egg, which I've only had twice. Those most often happen in new layers. I have one bird who lays really large normal yolked eggs regularly, and she's one of my smaller birds. I do keep an eye on her as it can increase the chances of egg binding or prolapse, but so far no problems, she's 2 years old. Hopefully with yours it's a new layer glitch and will work itself out. I doubt the yogurt had anything to do with it.
Seeing as she has been laying them for a month straight,it probably is her normal egg size,definitely let us know if she is double yolking,would definitely be interesting to have a hen like that.
Here is my biggest egg yet it came this week from one of our leghorns
One of my young and still fairly newer layers laid an oval-shaped egg roughly three inches long, too, one day! I have pictures of it, but still must upload them to the computer. I think it was my Barred Rock or SL Wyandotte who laid it. :D I'm hoping it's a double yolker, but I haven't cracked it open yet. :) My Amberlink lays large, lovely deep brown eggs; my Barred Rock lays large? tan eggs; my Wyandotte seems to lay small tan ones; my Black Sex Link lays small light brown ones with a few purplish spots, I think, and my Production Red seems to lay smaller lighter brown eggs.
I will take pictures after work today! We've been getting smaller sized eggs for the last month, every now and then one of the girls lays what I would say is a large egg. I couldn't believe the size of these - and the fact that I've gotten three in a row! I will also take comparison pictures to show our normal egg size.

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