Give broody hen some chicks?


13 Years
Sep 13, 2010
Raymond, CA
I have a broody hen who has been sitting on eggs for 23 days. She left her next for one night about 10 days in. Nothing has hatched so I don't think they will at this point. Would she accept and raise some day olds if I put them under her?
It's most likely she will but have a back up plan just in case she's one that likes to sit but doesn't want to be bothered looking after little ones. Pop them under her in the dark and use your hand to shield the chicks as you put them under her if she's likely to strike out. Before putting them under her you can let them peep for a moment and see if she responds with soft clucking. I've had a hen help me push them under her she was so pleased to have babies! When you've got them all under her wait a moment to make sure everyone is happy and none of the chicks wander off. Good luck!
please let us know how this works out. I have 14 eggs in the incubator and taking eggs away from the brrody hen every day because she plays musical eggs. i am hoping to stick some under her in the end.
I introduced 4 chicks to my broody hen last night. It went well. At first she pecked my hand but once she realized I had chicks she started clucking to them. She lifted her wings and got them all settled for the night. She is one happy mama today. The only chicks available were at least a week old so I was worried she wouldn't take them but it was ok.
It's most likely she will but have a back up plan just in case she's one that likes to sit but doesn't want to be bothered looking after little ones. Pop them under her in the dark and use your hand to shield the chicks as you put them under her if she's likely to strike out. Before putting them under her you can let them peep for a moment and see if she responds with soft clucking. I've had a hen help me push them under her she was so pleased to have babies! When you've got them all under her wait a moment to make sure everyone is happy and none of the chicks wander off. Good luck!
I've never done this before, but I do have a question When a hen sits on eggs and they hatch into baby chicks, what do the chicks eat and how do they drink? I use nipple waterers. How do you'all handle naturally hatched chicks? I do have a broody hen and am excited to see if we get new babies, but I want to do it right.
I have a question--if it takes 21 days for a chicken to hatch out of the egg, does that make days 19, 20 and 21 the "lockdown" days? I want to be sure I'm doing it correctly. I have a Little Giant 9300 incubator with air circulator and egg turner, if that helps. Thanks for anyone answering!
I've never done this before, but I do have a question When a hen sits on eggs and they hatch into baby chicks, what do the chicks eat and how do they drink? I use nipple waterers. How do you'all handle naturally hatched chicks? I do have a broody hen and am excited to see if we get new babies, but I want to do it right.

The chicks and hen will need to eat chick starter - layer feed has too much calcium in it for chicks. If the broody drinks from the nipple waterers then she will teach her chicks to - you'll just need to make sure they have something they can climb up on to reach the nipples. Alternatively you could give them a shallow dish of water that has stones or marbles in it to drink from. Chicks can drown easily so the marbles/stones prevent this.

And yes, lockdown is day 19 to hatch. Take out the turners before lockdown as moving the eggs around during those last few days can cause the chicks to malposition and get stuck or pip at the wrong end of the egg. Good luck!

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