Goat people - babies are here!!!


12 Years
Apr 14, 2007
App. Mtn's
I'm still waiting on Cocoa to kid... I got new pics this evening and am asking for opinions on how much longer before we have babies.... Not sure of a breeding date, but she started an udder in late Dec. She still has ligaments, but I think they are getting a little more lax. Udder is filling. I'm guessing two babies?? would be nice!





She is going fo the record of 'doe that drove her owner insane the quickest'. She can't stay pregnant forever, but is certainly giving it a good try!
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Well a good way to tell is when the udder gets really tight and her peaches if you look have like half smiley faces there when they are upside sown then its close and also her peaches will faltten out alot and if she is like mine she will not let you leave...is this her first freshening? then I surely would keep a close eye on her and also learn to keep dates as they can deliver fro 145 days to 155 days...most dont go that long but some will go 150...its mindboggling but you get used to it...I have 4 out getting ready to hatch and I have dates also but you never know...I will when they start yelling at me...also mine dont fall for not eating, I have had them with their noses in their feeders and screaming at the same time. Whe thru eating here comes time for the baby. Good luck and to me looks like a few to maybe a week.
If I'm not mistaken, it's the same thing as a 'pooch' or 'tu-walkie' - better known as the vulva area.
yes, it is her first freshening.
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I have a FF from heavy milking lines due mar 22 who is begged up already, has been for 3 weeks now- I'd say this girl could be due early to late march, everyone is diff... so hard to tell lol

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