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Hey goat lovers, I don't know how many of you are over on the sister site BackYard Herds but I could really use a good, experienced goat caretaker/breeder with a few questions today please. Mom was a tad earlier than expected by a few days and also rejected so I'm running around trying to find answers as best as I can:
Navel dip question - and - Photo thread asking about head shape
I’m not on Backyard Herds yet, but I can try to answer your question here if you’d like 🙂
For a navel dip, I take the 10% iodine and just mix it with water, I usually fill a pc cup or very small container with water, and pour in iodine until the mixture is almost as dark as the iodine. You only have to do this if the navel/cord are still wet though, if they’re already dry you don’t have to 🙂
The head is very round, but Boer goats tend to have very round heads when they’re born, so I’d say he’s ok 🙂
@QuailQueen75 - thank you for your input! I did get chlorohexidine on it as soon as I could but I don't have much so when reapplying I will have to use the iodine solution. I did wonder if it was indeed the Boer in his lines that gave him the "roman nose" type appearance. He just had his second feeding and is doing well and going potty so I am thankful for that. Thanks for your help again
@QuailQueen75 - thank you for your input! I did get chlorohexidine on it as soon as I could but I don't have much so when reapplying I will have to use the iodine solution. I did wonder if it was indeed the Boer in his lines that gave him the "roman nose" type appearance. He just had his second feeding and is doing well and going potty so I am thankful for that. Thanks for your help again
You’re welcome, glad he’s doing well! 🥰
She picked the dirtiest corner of the stall with no straw and won't move... 🙄

She picked the dirtiest corner of the stall with no straw and won't move... 🙄

View attachment 3500289
How exciting! They always choose the most inconvenient areas lol 😂
I usually wait until they settle in, and then add some extra straw or even a towel on the ground right behind them 🙂
Good luck!

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