Going into lockdown 12 hours early due to cracked eggs.


Jul 6, 2018
So I have 3 cats...I bet we can see what happened here! Yup, they were racing around and even though I keep my incubator well out of the way and tucked back they still managed to hit it. 2 eggs knocked into each other and cracked. It is half way through day 17 and even though I tried to repair the eggs with nail polish, one of them was cracked in such a way that some of the membrane was still going to be exposed so into early lockdown we go! I candled them and one of the cracked eggs is alive and kicking and the other is a Maran egg so I can't see squat! Either way, I have done all I can for my 9 little survivors and now only time will tell. I will let you know when the fun begins!
Not yet but I know that one of them was alive as of yesterday. I am keeping an eye on it incase the crack cause the membrane to dry out. Mostly I am just trying to be patient and not "help".
I also had a badly cracked egg on day 12-15 ( not totally sure as hen was hatching them) fixed it with candle wax and it hatched with no problems. He’s now a happy, healthy year old rooster!
At least one of the cracked eggs has made it! It's hatching as we speak! 2 chicks are already out and one of the cracked eggs plus one of the others has pipped! YES! it is early on day 21 so I won't have the final verdict for 2 days but so far so good on my first hatch. So YES a cracked egg CAN be saved!
chick2.jpg Chick1.jpg
Okay here is the final count. 7 out of 9 eggs have made it and BOTH the cracked eggs have hatched! So if anyone is panicking over cracked eggs or early lockdown I have had success here! Wooohoo!

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