Going to try this again .... Flock attacking mama hen


Jun 22, 2017
So I had posted before with no response so I'm gonna try again. I have a mama hen and her chicks separated for the time being from the flock. I've had hens go broody before and I have never had an issue with just letting them do their thing in the main coop and still mingle with everyone else. Well this time from the first day she brought her chicks out of the coop the other hens started attacking her ... not the chicks. My rooster gets involved but I feel like hes trying to stop it if that makes sense. After that I immediately separated them in an extra tractor coop I have keeping them close by so its look but can't touch. Almost daily I let mama and her chicks out for a little more leg room and play time while I supervise and everything has been fine . Soooo today I thought would be a good day to let them out longer and step away but keep them in sight since the chicks are getting bigger and up till now there has not been anymore issues . Well 5 min in and they start attacking the mama hen again !!! Its mainly 1 that's gets everyone else all in a tizzy they are fine till that one hen starts in on her ...... what else should I do ? Let them Duke it out? The mama hen is lower in pecking order but she went broody last year with no problem. Sorry for the long post !!!!! I can't keep the mama separated much longer she hates the tractor and the chicks are getting bigger . Any ideas ?
Its pretty simple. Keep mother hen and her chicks seperate from the main flock. If you can’t do this then why hatch chicks? You need to be responsible. It’s pretty obvious keeping them together isn’t and won’t work.
I've never had this problem and my hens hatch out chicks all the time. I think what I would do if this was happening with my hens is separate the attack hen and let mama and chicks mingle with the others. She won't like it and will eventually lose some status, which in theory will calm her temperament. I'd keep her penned for a few days then let her out and see how it goes.
Its pretty simple. Keep mother hen and her chicks seperate from the main flock. If you can’t do this then why hatch chicks? You need to be responsible. It’s pretty obvious keeping them together isn’t and won’t work.
Read the full post , this is not my first time I am responsible..... this is supposed to be a site to help. Yes I am keeping them separated but I can't keep her separated forever is My POINT. If you're going to be an ass why respond.
I've never had this problem and my hens hatch out chicks all the time. I think what I would do if this was happening with my hens is separate the attack hen and let mama and chicks mingle with the others. She won't like it and will eventually lose some status, which in theory will calm her temperament. I'd keep her penned for a few days then let her out and see how it goes.
Thank you
Read the full post , this is not my first time I am responsible..... this is supposed to be a site to help. Yes I am keeping them separated but I can't keep her separated forever is My POINT. If you're going to be an ass why respond.
Did read the full post. You asked for help and I gave it, seperate them! You will be responsible if something bad happens to those chicks, and that won’t be a good feeling. So all I am suggesting is to separate them. And I know you said you can’t seperate them forever, but try at least. Put them in the tractor then let them out for a bit, then put them in and let the main flock out? Or just remove the bully.
I agree with @aesch about removing the bully (put her in the tractor or a crate or something) if she is the only one causing issues. See how the flock reacts to momma with problem hen out of the picture.

ETA: Are the chicks roosting at night or still sleeping under mom on the ground/floor?

Do your birds free-range all day, or will they eventually all have to share a run?
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I am really sorry for the accusations, pecking order problems have no bearing on you as a chicken-keeper. It sounds like you did the right thing in keeping them in a separate area for a short time, but I agree that it is reasonable to try and reintegrate them into the flock as soon as the chickens allow. As others have mentioned, removing the bully from the situation may help, and a "time out" for a few days could make the bully insecure in her pecking order spot just enough for there to be peace. Give it a whirl and let us know how it goes!
I've never had this problem and my hens hatch out chicks all the time. I think what I would do if this was happening with my hens is separate the attack hen and let mama and chicks mingle with the others. She won't like it and will eventually lose some status, which in theory will calm her temperament. I'd keep her penned for a few days then let her out and see how it goes.

X2 This sounds likd good advice to me! Easier to separate just one bully hen than the whole family! Let us know how it goes. Good luck!
Well this time from the first day she brought her chicks out of the coop the other hens started attacking her ... not the chicks.
Is this the first time this bird has hatched out chicks?
Broody mama has to regain her place in the pecking order, some are better at it than others and it can be brutal. Best to let it play out, unless blood starts to fly.
Temporarily taking out the most aggressive hens attacking might help.

I had one broody(was mid ranking prior) that got into hellacious fights with 3 other hens.
Cockbird tried to break them up but I had to intervene with 2 of the fights.
They got over it and once broody found her fierce she wielded it with glee.

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